[CH. 84]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 9

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"Where were we?" Gang Orca tried to ignore [y/n] as he looked away and then at Yoarashi as if he was a student avoiding his homework to focus on getting distracted by other things.

Gang Orca flicked his finger in the young male student's direction as it sent an invisible pushing force that made Yoarashi flip backward in midair, saying, "The wind is getting on my nerves."

[y/n] leaped to where Yoarashi was about to land as she used her wings to get closer, trying to catch him with her hardening liquid. As she was about to use the hardening liquid, Apollyon interrupts her plan, "That hardening liquid of yours will give him a concussion and a few fractures, no?"

With a grunt that almost became a yelp, [y/n] closed her hands as her hardening liquid evaporated. As her hands formed into a fist, she pumps them together as both of her fists are about to meet in the middle, similar to a hand clap but her hands were not open. She faces it towards the falling lad's back, "Alright, I'll just soften his landing the Gang Orca way then!" Using the gloves she has now, she yells as her fists made a booming sound as they bumped into each other,

"Blunt Force!"

The so-called force made Yoarashi flip on his feet, now his head was not facing the ground anymore as he went upwards. [y/n]'s ropes came to rescue his immobile physique as she hoists him gently to the ground while making him sit up. 

[y/n] ran in Todoroki's direction as she yells, "Stay still! You can't move now!"

"Don't tell me what to do, hero-wannabe!" Yoarashi says, unaware of Gang Orca's quirk taking effect on his body, with no signs of gratitude on his face as he hasn't realized he was saved by someone like [y/n].

"Seems like he's paralyzed, but he should be up soon."

"I know that. Just stay quiet while I'm thinking."

Nearing Todoroki and Gang Orca, the minions were on the verge of being impaled by the spikes as they were trapped in a box gradually getting smaller.

"Wait, fuck!" [y/n] hissed under her breath as she ran without realizing she accidentally released the minions out of their cuboid cage. 

All she was thinking about was her close friend about to be harmed by Gang Orca. She's only a few meters away from them, yet she feels like she was a millisecond late into sprinting towards them.

"You're out of breath, [y/n]. Why don't you use your wings?"

"Not now, I used too much light side... I have to use the dark side... I need to... balance...- Gwack!!"

[y/n] was aware of her clumsiness, but she was not aware of the immovable debris in front of her that sent her tripping to her knees. Her face now on the ground, like a harsh slap rather than a rough kiss, she hisses once more, "You've got to be kidding me...!"

She looked up, slowly on her own wobbling feet, wincing on the pain right at her forehead as her beret fell from her scalp, her hairbands no longer giving her the low pigtails but just parted hair, and found horror within her sight.

She was too late.

Todoroki was on the ground, with a few grains of powder from crushed cement and rubble all over his body. He was shivering, despite having used his flames earlier that he traded with a hill of ice to protect himself from Gang Orca.

[y/n] froze. Her mouth slowly opened as her eyebrows furrowed. Not taking off a single look at her shivering and wheezing classmate, then glared at Gang Orca, who seemed to have no idea what kind of hell he just summoned right now.

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