[CH. 31]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 13

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As soon as the match was over, [y/n] lets go of Todoroki, letting him stand on his own. She approaches him as she pats his left shoulder with a smile, "Thanks for being my test dummy." 

She then left him with his mouth agape as he furrowed his eyebrows as soon as she left. He then pursed his lips in annoyance as he leaves the arena with a sigh.

Uraraka, with the rest of her classmates gasped, "Did you guys see that...?" 

Mina exclaimed as she pumped her fists, "Those were new moves! So cool!" 

Kaminari joined in as he slouched and shuddered, "Thank goodness she didn't use those against me..."

Izuku spoke, "If she wasn't able to control her withdrawals, Todoroki could have turned it around."

He continued, "And Kacchan seems to be on fire and pumped up today for some reason."

Uraraka perked up to him as she looked at his wounds worriedly, "Deku, are you sure you're okay?"

Izuku looked at the arena getting fixed up once more for the final round, "Looks like it's almost ending. I'm okay." 

Uraraka nodded nervously, "Deku... will she be alright?"

Izuku then glanced at her as she continued, "I mean... with what you two told me about your past and all..."

He smiled as he reassured her, "Don't worry. She believed in me, it is fair that I do the same for her."

"Looks like it's our final set!!" PresentMic announces as the two final contenders arrived in the arena.

"Midoriya versus Bakugo!!"

Izuku flinched beside Uraraka, "It really feels like I'm going against Kacchan..."

He then sees [y/n] glanced at them. After she blinked, she flashed a reassuring smile to her brother, yet her eyes did not match at all. She then turns her attention back to Bakugo as her smile turned to a unwelcoming frown.

Tetsutetsu commented as he leans forward from his seat, "Today is really Class A's day... damn!"

Izuku then pondered, "If it's those two, how is this gonna go?"

Kirishima joined in as he shared his two cents, "I guess we just gotta observe for now!"

Uraraka and Izuku nodded as a response while they kept their keen eyes on [y/n], who seems to be frowning, showing distaste.

"Deku... is she...?" "Let's hope not."


[Meanwhile in the city of Hosu, Japan]

"You people haven't realized..." A man stays and crouches on top of a building as he observes the crime scene below him, "...how they're mired in vanity and hypocrisy in this twisted society..."

"...but I... will make you realize-"

"We meet at last, Hero Killer: Stain."

As the man's instincts kicked in, he lashed his sword from the rear. He then turned to face the source of the voice, only to witness a dark portal opening behind him with his sword halfway to its entrance.

The other person who seems to be on the other side of the portal spoke up, "Relax. We are on the same side. You're already quite infamous, I really wanted to meet you..."

"...may I have a moment of your time?"


[The reason why [y/n] seems pissed a.k.a. flashback]

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