[CH. 30]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 12

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"Midnight!" Cementoss yelled as he signals the fellow pro hero to assist in ceasing the battle before it goes further. He then transformed the floor between the battlefield into walls to stop the two from getting near to each other while Midnight tried to knock them unconscious with her scent as she tore a part of her costume and released her perfume-like essence from her body.

As the two met together in the middle, they destroyed the walls Cementoss placed between them, and an explosion of fire and wind met the audience, leaving them bracing on their seats.

The smoke finally cleared as [y/n] looked around to see if her brother survived the damage. Izuku was found beyond the ring to her dismay as his body flopped to the ground. Covering her mouth, she let out a breathy sigh, "Izuku..."

PresentMic then announced the results, "Todoroki moves on to the third round!"

[y/n] sweatdropped as she saw the state of her brother as he was carried away to Recovery Girl to the nurse's office, she whispered to the wind as if her brother could hear her, "You did well..."

She then looked at the aftermath of the battlefield in the same tone of voice, "...now it's my turn." That jerk...!

She looked at Iida and Uraraka, who seemed to have understood what she meant as they went out together.

With a sigh, she lets out a chuckle as she spoke to the two with a small smile, "I'll make him pay. Hehe."

"Revenge is not always good, [y/n]," warned Iida as he made an X mark with both of his arms.

"Oh, geez. It's not like I will kill him because he went overboard fighting against my brother," [y/n] shrugged, denying as she laughed.

"Uhm, knowing you, [y/n], we know you want to... kinda," Uraraka spoke hesitantly at the last bit.


As they arrived at the nurse's office, [y/n] rushed to Izuku who was laying on the hospital bed, wrapped in white bandages, "Izu!" 

Her eyes widened as her gaze lingered on his injuries, especially on his arms while she hesitantly smiled, "You did great out there."

Izuku managed to speak, "[y/n]... you guys..." He then tries to move his head as he looks at everyone, "...but the next match..."

Uraraka then spoke up as she saw a scrawny man with blonde hair, "Hello... nice to meet you, sir." The rest then soon followed her gesture.

Iida replied, "The arena was mostly destroyed, so there's a break while it's being prepared."

[y/n] chimed in again, "I don't have the strength for scolding you for your recklessness, but please..."

She goes closer to Izuku, who was laying on the clinic bed with bandages and plasters on his arms, "... get stronger for me."

Izuku managed to smile despite the pain as he heard the last bit of her sentence when he initially thought he was going to be scolded by her sister in public, "[y/n]...I-" 

She cuts him off as her smile disappeared to a worried expression, "How can I defeat someone I see as a worthy rival like this? Izuku, I am not telling you to hurry up or anything, but you know I'm not patient."

The room fell silent, to which she broke it with her soft voice, "Anyways, get well soon, Izu."

Izuku wasn't able to reply as he was speechless at the fact that his sister addressed him with his full first name. "I'm sorry, [y/n]." 

"It's not your fault, I have hopes in you that you'll be able to control your quirk soon enough. I know you can do it." With a smile, she ruffles his hair gently, careful enough not to touch any of his injuries.

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