[CH. 53]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 6

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"Mom!! Dad!!" Kota screamed at the top of his lungs as tears start to fall from his eyes in fear and panic. 

Just as the man got to a certain distance between them launching his enlarged arm towards the young boy, a swirling wind greeted the two from the side, taking Kota with it as sounds of the ground cracking were heard. Turns out Izuku arrived just in time before Kota got smashed into bits.

Kota tried to sit up straight as he huffed while glaring at Izuku, "Why... why did you-?!" 

Before he could continue what he was saying, the man who attacked them just a moment ago grunted as soon as he saw the green-haired boy, "Now you... were on the list."

Izuku stood up almost immediately. As he saw that his phone laying on the ground was beyond repairable, he can't call for backup, Wait... only me and [y/n] are the ones who knew about this place... right? Then maybe... she might be here any time soon!! Wait no, I can't always rely on her, she already has problems to face herself, and I don't wanna add that up!! No, I can do this... I can show her that I can handle things on my own, too! I can save Kota, I have to! 

"It's going to be okay, Kota..." He says while green sparks start to surround him, "...I'm gonna save you!"


"Izu!" [y/n] huffed as she ran and ran within the forest. 

, she doesn't know why her quirk wasn't working well. Was it because she panicked? Did she step unto some curse-inducing object? Or was she just plain unlucky today? We never know. She wanted to use her wings so she would be able to spot her brother's location and fly over there, but she was out of luck... or maybe she was full of bad luck at the moment? Again, we never know. She mentally cursed while trying to come up with a plan on catching up to her brother while keeping herself safe.

This forest is so f*ucking wide, how does anyone not get lost in here?! I can't see any of the paths at all! Or was it too dark? Wait, I shouldn't use my light quirk, it might attract the villains to me if I did! What do I do...?

She then mentally scolded herself for crying like a coward, This is so weird, why am I slowly reverting back to my old self?

[y/n] paused in her tracks as she heard multiple footsteps approaching her with her knees slowly wobbling with every step she takes, Dammit, dammit! Why of all times... my quirk hasn't been working well since the first day of the training camp!! What is going on? Am I cursed? Did someone own a voodoo doll on me and decide to hex a bad luck curse on me or something??

[y/n] hasn't noticed until now how her hands were practically shaking as she clutched them near to her bounding chest as she hid behind one of the bushes and leaned on it while covering her mouth with one of her shaky hands. 

But then, she leaned too much she practically rolled down the little steep with a loud thud as she landed on her back with a groan.


The familiar voice calmed her down almost in an instant as soon as she recognized him that she almost broke down to a sob as she saw the two boys, "Todoroki!! Bakugo!!"

"Stop crying, dammit! You'll lure the villains in, you dumb ass!!" Bakugo hissed as approached the sobbing girl while pulling her to make her stand up. 

[y/n] whimpered as she held Bakugo's arm tightly with both hands while hanging her head down as she frowned, "I'm... so scared... my quirk isn't... working...I can't protect anyone like this... I'm sorry..."

Bakugo stuttered, "Y-your hands are cold." 

Todoroki chimed in as he readjusts in carrying the person on his back, "What happened to you?" 

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