[CH. 58]: Hideout Raid Pt. 1

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Nezu pulled out a newspaper and a tablet with the news written on it, "The media's having a field day censuring U.A." 

He continued as he scanned the room, "We can only assume that they intentionally targeted these two students because of two reasons. One, Bakugo's crazed, violent image of him at the sports festival, and two, [y/n]'s alleged origins regarding the reports sent by the students from Class 1-A. If they are actually able to win them over, then this educational institution is finished."

As Midnight stayed silent in her seat, she thought. She's done for... if she finds out this way... I can't imagine what comes next anymore... this is bad... we should do something... I don't think she might be able to handle this on her own... 

PresentMic spoke up as he placed his hand on the table while the other cupped his cheek as its elbow rested on the desk, "Speaking of lost trust, this seems the right time to bring something up. It's absolutely clear at this point. We... have a mole."

He continued as he perked up while crossing his arms, leaning against the chair he was sitting, "Only the teachers and the Wild Pussycats knew about the location! But we have to consider other suspects. If a student used the GPS function on his or her phone, then-" 

Midnight stretched out her hand as she spoke, "Woah there, Mic. Cut it out."

PresentMic groaned as he furrowed his eyebrows, "Like the hell, I will! We have to take care of this important matter this instant! Here and now!!" 

Snipe spoke up as he looked at him, "Can you even prove yourself that you're in the clear? We can't even declare that one of us ain't the traitor!" 

He carried on as he clenched his fist resting on the desk, "Once we start suspecting each other, we'll destroy ourselves from the inside. If we are to search for the mole, we have to not do it in panic." 

Nezu expressed his thoughts as he faced them, "For what it's worth, I happen to trust all of you. That said, I have no clear way to prove my own innocence, either. Anyhow, the task at hand is to ensure the students' safety. In light of this potential mole, there is something I have been considering for a while now, and that is-"


All Might's phone rang, unintentionally disrupting the meeting as he stood up in embarrassment while he hurriedly makes his way to the door, "Sorry, I gotta take this." 

PresentMic reacted, "We're in a meeting, you're supposed to turn that off!" 

Meanwhile, Aizawa scoffed silently, "What a lame ass ringtone..."

As he answered the call, he brought his phone close to his ear, "What's up, Tsukauchi?" 

The man from the other end answered promptly, "I'm getting statements from your two colleagues right now, but we've got a shocking development in the case!" 

He continued as All Might's face turned serious, "We may have pinpointed the League of Villains' hideout."


[Izuku's POV, in the hospital... laying on his hospital bed]

The day after it all went down... I was brought to a hospital close to the camp.

For two whole days, I fell in and out of consciousness... wracked with pain and high fever.

In the meantime, Recovery Girl visited to do some healing, and the police came to question me...

... but I couldn't remember a thing.

[End of Izuku's POV]

He opened his eyes as the sunlight came to greet him from the window. Turning his head to the side, he sees a bowl of sliced fruits and a piece of paper with familiar writing that says, 'Eat some once you wake up, and call me.' "It's mom's handwriting."

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