[CH. 39]: Internships Pt. 5

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"I talked to a girl on the phone...awesome!!" Izuku exclaimed as he finished a phone call with Uraraka while he goes back to the hospital room and checked up on his sister, who seemed to be busy with her phone.

"Oh, [y/n], how are you feeling right now? I just got off the phone with Uraraka and-" 


Before Izuku could finish his sentence, Todoroki called his name, "Iida just got his diagnosis."

Silence filled the air as they listened to him as Iida spoke up from his bed as he sat down, "My left hand... could have permanent damage."

He continued as he looked at his bandaged arms, "So... until I succeed in becoming a true hero...my left hand will serve as a reminder."

[y/n] then looked up to them but doesn't say anything and then puts her phone on the table and approached them.

Izuku spoke up as he looked at his own right hand and clenched it, "Iida, I feel the same way."

He faced Iida, "Let's get stronger... together."

Out of the blue, Todoroki spoke up with a bothered expression, "I'm... sorry..."

Then [y/n] spoke after being silent for a while, "Aw, Todoroki, you don't have to-" 

"Whenever I'm involved...it feels like... people's hands get messed up..."

He cut me off...!

[y/n] deadpanned as she spoke up, "My hands aren't messed up, though..." 

Todoroki then looked at her hands on her lap, "Oh, you didn't notice..." 

"Notice wha- oh..." She held her hands in front of her as she saw burnt marks on each palm. "Wait, where did I get these...?"

He replies as he raised his eyebrows, "You were holding a black sword, remember?" 

"Oh yeah, I did."

He sighed, "For someone who's smart, she sure is forgetful..."

He spoke up once more as he looked at his hand in a serious manner, "Everyone's hands are messed up whenever I'm involved... is this a curse?"

"What?" The three were confused by what he meant by that.

[y/n] muffled a laugh as the other two had a laughing fit and Izuku spoke in between, " HA HA HA HA! What are you talking about?! "

Todoroki blinked at the reactions, "No, this is not a laughing matter. This is serious... I think I'm a hand crusher." 

"A hand crusher! HA HA HA HA!!"

After the laughter died down with the three wiping their tears from laughing, [y/n] chuckled, "I didn't know you could make jokes like this, Todoroki." 

"It wasn't a joke." 

"But what you said was funny!"


[Last day of the internship]

"Even if the internships were over, I hope you two will bring whatever you've learned here for you to apply in your lives." Endeavor spoke up as he faces the two by the front door of his office. [y/n] bowed, "Thank you so much, Endeavor-san. I shall use the lessons I have learned here as you said."

He furrows his eyebrows, "What did we say about being so formal to me?" 

"Oh, sorry." 

"Anyhow, I also thank you for being an intern here." 

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