[CH. 19]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 1

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The classes were canceled the next day. The ones injured were able to get healed in some way or another. But they felt restless because of what just happened.

No one has tried to approach [y/n] except her twin brother on the day classes resumed, "[y/n], are you feeling okay now?"

She responds as she puts her phone away, "Yeah, why do you ask? Are you okay, Izu?"

"Well, I am. Don't wo-"

Kirishima interrupted their conversation as he approached the twins to their seats, "[y/n]! Are you okay?!"

[y/n] chuckles at his actions, "Don't worry Kirishima-san. I'm alright. How about you?" 

"I'm okay, but..." Kirishima trails off.

"...but that thing that happened to you... what was that?" 

"I may have lost control of my quirk back then..." She looks down at her desk.

"... I'm sorry," she fumbles with her fingers. 

Izuku spoke up as he pats his twin's back gently, "You know, it's not your fault, [y/n]."

"In fact," he continues. "You saved us, and not to worry, none of us were harmed by what you were not able to control." She smiled, "Izu..."

Kirishima butts in, "Not to ruin the sibling moment but... what you did back there... it was so cool, so manly!" he held his fist by his chest while clenching his face.

She covers her mouth, trying to hold her laughter after seeing his face, "Thanks, Kirishima-san. You were cool, too."

Kirishima paused in his tracks, "Y-you really mean it?"

She nods with a small smile.

"Oi," a familiar voice broke through their heartfelt conversation, "You're still stupid as ever, huh? Why did you do that?" Bakugo asks a question to [y/n] without looking at her but at the classroom window with a serious look on his face, and both of his hands in his pockets.

"Is this your way of showing your concern for my well-being, Baku-chan?" She teased as she rests her chin on her palm on her desk. 

"Shut up! With what happened, you are likely not to be scolded or told off either. Just telling you that you might have killed someone with it if you're not careful!"

"Kacchan..." Izuku sighs as he looks at his twin who seems to be unfazed. 

"I know," she stood up and went up close to Bakugo, "That is why..."

She continues with her arms crossed, "... I asked for help when it happened, didn't I?"

Kirishima steps in front of them, "Hey, hey... let's not get all tensed up, shall we?" trying to break apart the atmosphere between the two as he chuckles nervously. 

[y/n] spoke up and whined sarcastically, "Bakugo, if you want to check up on me, you can just say so without adding salt to the wound." 

"Quit using your idiomatic expressions on me, you damn nerd!" Bakugo's hands were out of his pocket this time while he forms it into a fist and continues, "I could care less about you! Why would I show concern towards extras?"

Their banter was interrupted as Iida stood up and shouted across the room, "Everyone!! Morning Homeroom's about to begin, take your seats!" Sero retorts, "We're sitting, you're the only one up."

Aizawa then entered the classroom, "Morning."

The class could not hide their reactions as he stepped in, "You're back already, Aizawa sensei? What an undeniable pro!"

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