[CH. 74]: Ultimate Moves Pt. 5

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"I'm ready!" [y/n] shouted as soon as she fired the dark bullets from her pointer fingers and immediately was able to shoot at Ectoplasm, and this went on for ten more minutes as more clones came in her direction. 

Just as she thought that it was over, another clone appeared from her back. It could be because she was so focused and thanks to the earrings, she was able to shoot from behind her while controlling her firepower.

Then, Ectoplasm appeared in front of her as [y/n] points her finger gun at him right away as he frantically spoke with a huff, "Wait, [y/n]! Just let me speak, geez!" 

[y/n] blinked in confusion as she puts her hands down to her sides, "Oh, sorry sensei. I got caught up in the moment." She continued with a smile, "I was starting to enjoy it."

Ectoplasm shook his head, "Anyway, got a name for this new move you have?" 

[y/n] hummed, "Should this just be an ordinary move or is this considered an ultimate move?" 

Her teacher sweatdropped, Your quirk is an ultimate move on its own...! "Well, unless you got more tricks up your sleeve, then we can reconsider it." 

He continues as he crossed his arms, "So, what's the new name?"

[y/n] instantly replies as she raised her eyebrow, "Ripple of Forsaken Tears?" 

Ectoplasm commented, "Isn't that a bit mouthful?" 

[y/n] hummed as she does her 'in deep thought' pose, "Then... should we shorten the term to ROFT?" 

"No one would get what it means except you, [y/n]."

"Then.. uhh... Forsaken Tears?" 

"Did you come up with those just now?" 

"Yeah... sorry, sensei."

"Mind telling me what gave you the idea of such a name?"

[y/n] replied as she looked at her hands while doing the finger gun on both, "Forsaken is a word that means 'to give up on something'... and the bullets looked like tears..." 

She continued as she looked at her gloves, "I usually feel rage and regret whenever I do this move ever since I started practicing it." 

She then clenched her left hand as she spoke, "That's why... I want to abandon the idea of me regretting the things I have done... and the rage I feel when I don't feel like I have done enough, sensei." 

She resumed as she touched one of her earrings on her right, "I added the word ripple to emphasize that my actions will predetermine the path in the future... If I continue to feel and think such negative thoughts... I don't think I can become the hero I promised to myself... that's also why... while I'm being careful on how I use my emotions on each move properly, I'd also like to give up and abandon my unpleasant habit of talking down to myself."

Ectoplasm hums at her answer, "So you want to... make use of appreciating yourself more? That's a great resolve." 

[y/n] nodded, "By the way, sensei." She then lifted her left arm while pointing it with her right hand, "I noticed how I am not using as much force thanks to this gadget." 

She continues as she looked at the gloves on her arms with furrowed eyebrows, "Could it be...?" 

Ectoplasm deadpanned, "Is her habit of muttering a part of a performance stunt...?"

[y/n] predictably began to mutter in front of him, "Wait... doesn't this violate the third law of motion...? If the rest of the energy had nowhere to go... was it stored in the gloves...? It could be possible since technology is advanced these days... but how does it work...? The recoil that I was about to receive from firing a bullet... does it go back to the bullet for more firepower or was it again stored in the gloves in case I wanted to use my fists in close combat? It could be that, right? If that's the case, then I have more area coverage thanks to the additional firepower... hmm... this is more dangerous and difficult than I thought."

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