[CH. 32]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 14

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Trigger Warning: Mention of blood


"You think a fool like me can't surpass you?" [y/n] mocked Bakugo as she tried to eye on him, only to force herself to close them because of the sting once the air got in the way.

Bakugo stood still as he furrowed his eyebrows, "You can't even see me now!" He then dashed forward at a quickening pace as he closes the distance between them.

[y/n], who is still holding her sides, and her injured and bloody face, smirked, "You're the real fool here." With her legs, she stomped, and out came ravishing dark vines that sprouted out from her leg as it makes a beeline towards Bakugo.

He then dodged them one by one, but every time he seemed to have destroyed one, it multiplies itself. He unknowingly dug his own grave in this battle as he stopped to look at the aftermath of his doings.

He cursed under his breath and lunges forward to dodge all the vines, even with a few grazes traced on his body, he finally reached a few meters away from her.

As [y/n] heard his footsteps approaching, she then released her stalagmites in his direction as she encloses herself with her hardening liquid.

"You don't know how to give up do ya?!" Bakugo yells as he constantly fights with her vines and dodged her stalagmites.

As [y/n]'s breath starts to hitch, "It... is never an option, you fool." With the final blow, she stepped out of her bubble.

Izuku, on the other hand, was at the edge of his seat looking more nervous than ever as he starts to break a sweat, "This... feels familiar."

Uraraka, who was also as nervous as him, perked up in his direction, "What is?" 

He then pointed with his gaze, as both of his arms were bandaged and plastered, at [y/n], who is still covering her eyes with her hand as more blood seemed to seep out of her fingers.

"When will you ever run out of moves, huh?! Stop thinking already!" Bakugo screams as he felt his energy starting to drain as her vines looked like had no plans of going away.

[y/n] was not able to respond as she was aware that she was almost at her limit, regardless of her given handicap. She then began to kneel while clutching her injuries as her breathing begins to get steeper. Her vines then the stalagmite disappeared almost immediately.

"You...coward!!" Bakugo then attacks her one more time with his explosions as he was close to her. In a split second, she was able to conjure her hardening liquid, protecting her from Bakugo's attack.

He continues to ramble as he gives off more explosions while she continues to conjure more of her barriers, "Hiding behind those walls won't make you stronger!!"

The last of her conjured barriers was finally broken as Bakugo screamed with a punching motion, aimed at her stomach just like last time, "Come at me already!! With your bare hands!!"

With a loud thud, [y/n] did not let go of covering her eyes, yet she wobbled as she dropped to the ground, with her legs having almost no ounce of strength to support her anymore as her other hand clutched to her stomach once again.

She screamed as the pain took over her senses, which was heard by almost everyone at the stadium, it even shocked her opponent.

Bakugo then charges at her one more time, what he didn't expect was that [y/n] dodged his right hook immediately. She was now at his back in his running stance. She then side-kicked him to his head, earning a grunt from him.

"Stop playing dirty tricks on me!!" Bakugo then made use of his splendid reaction time and aimed for [y/n]'s hand that covered her injured eyes.

At a split second, Bakugo saw a glimpse of grayish fog surrounding her eyes as she moved her hand away from her face. He then gasps as he starts to hesitate using his explosions in haste.

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