[CH. 44]: Practical Exam Pt. 3

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"This isn't like you!!" Izuku screamed as he grabbed hold of Bakugo as they escape while [y/n] used her wings once more as she almost had no strength for her legs to carry her any further. The trio then hid as they try to buy some time.

With a huff, [y/n] strained to catch on her breath as she leaned against the wall drowsily, "That was a close one..."

Bakugo struggled, trying to escape from Izuku's hold, "Get off of me!" 

Izuku then scolded in a whisper-shouting tone, "Pipe down...!"

Izuku spoke up as he lets go of Bakugo, "Honestly, I can't think of a single plan..."

[y/n] perks up to him in surprise, "That's... so not like you, Izu."

Izuku blinked in confusion as he looked at his sister, "What do you mean?"

With her lips pursed together as she tries to stand up straight from leaning on the concrete wall, she mustered, "Well... you're always that someone who thinks like a strategist... and Bakugo, too..."

Bakugo furrowed his eyebrows as soon as he heard his name, "What are you saying my name for?"

She replies with a slight frown, "I meant that you two are good at making plans in taking the bad guys down...! As for me... I don't thi-"

Bakugo interrupts her as he whisper shouted, "Are you stupid or did you turn a blind eye on yourself?!" 


"That was a rhetorical question. Of course, you're a dumb ass." 

Izuku whisper shouted this time again, "Kacchan...! You're so mean..."

With a grunt, he replied to the green-haired boy, "Shut up...! I'm only telling the truth here, I can't stand lying."

"Am I... really stupid...?" [y/n] trailed off her sentence as she looked at them with a sulky expression. 

Bakugo looked away as he stuttered, "S-stop that! That look on your f-face won't work on me!!" 

She scoffed and teased as she transitioned, I knew it. "It sure did, though."

Izuku sweatdropped, Why are you so hard to read, [y/n]?  "Anyhow, we have to get out of here before All Might finds us."

[y/n] nods as she asks while doing her 'in deep thought' pose, "Hmmm... given that the handicap is rendered useless since he can still move around like that... we need another strategy to at least immobilize him or distract him for one of us to escape thus letting us pass the exam... but we only have such little time left and-"

"Can you shut the hell up?" Bakugo growled in a condescending manner. "If you don't have a sure-fire plan, you should have kept your thoughts to yourself. It's not like you can think of a better plan with that puny brain of yours anyway."

Izuku snapped as he punched Bakugo to his jaw sideways as he stood in front of him, "Can't you get a hold of yourself, Kacchan?!"

He then furrowed his eyebrows as he glared at the ash blond haired boy with wrath and fury, "No one gets to talk like that to my sister..." He grips his shirt tightly as he threatened, "...not on my f*ucking watch."

[y/n], who was in a state of self-doubt was now perplexed as she blinked and her eyes widened, "Y-you cursed...!"

Izuku turned to faced her, "Why aren't you mad at Kacchan? He said those mean things to you and-!!"

She shook her head as she responded with a shrug and then looked away, "Nah, I've seen and heard worse than that." 

Izuku gasped in an inaudible tone, "[y/n]..."

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