[CH. 16]: USJ Pt. 3

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The students were all scattered to different areas in the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, at most they were able to handle the villains themselves. In summary, [y/n] and Todoroki were in the landslide zone. Izuku, Mineta, and Asui were in the flood zone, Yaoyorozu, Jirou, and Kaminari in the mountain zone, Ojiro in the conflagration zone, Tokoyami and Koda in the downpour storm zone, Bakugo and Kirishima in the Ruins Zone, and the rest of the students that were left unmentioned were still at the entrance with Thirteen, and Aizawa was on the central plaza.

"Thirty-three seconds..." the villain with a hand on his face and on his upper body mutters.

Aizawa tries to engage in a conversation with the said villain in the middle of the fight, "So, you're the boss?"

"Twenty-four seconds... twenty seconds," the villain refuses to answer while counting down the time. "Seventeen seconds."

Aizawa, with his binding technique, yanks the villain close to his distance and elbowed his stomach, earning a grunt from the villain.

The villain finally spoke, "It's hard to tell when you're scampering around, but there are moments when your hair falls in front of your eyes." He then puts his free hand on the pro hero's same elbow that hit him in the stomach.

He continues, "Every time you finish a given move, and your max duration is getting shorter and shorter..." Aizawa's elbow began to crumble at the touch of the villain's hand.

"Don't overdo it now, Eraser Head."


"Todoroki-san. I'm heading out to find my brother, would you be fine on your own unless you want to come along with me?" [y/n] spoke as she ran towards the gate that poses as the entrance for the landslide area.

"I'll be fine, but I'll go somewhere else."

"Okay, see you later!" She then activates her light side for wings of flight, hoping she would surpass her limits with no side effects. She spotted Izuku in the distance by the flood zone along with Asui and Mineta.

Trying not to get anyone's attention, she attempts to stealthily creep behind one of the giant boulders behind the trio as she lands on the ground. She decides for the right time to appear to them until her eyes landed on the central plaza, where she sees a strange humungous black creature with its brain exposed. Horrified at the sight, she covers her mouth with both of her hands as the creature towered over her teacher, who is now immobilized and laying on the ground while still attempting to resist the creature with his fractured and crumbling elbow was held by it.

The villain then introduced the creature, "Meet the Anti-Symbol of Peace..."

"... the bio-engineered Nomu."


Why isn't my body moving...?

Am I scared right now...? Scared of what?

Scared of dying? Scared of your teacher dying? Scared of everyone dying...?

Or scared of not being able to help as a bystander...?

Come on, move!

Why can't I move my body...

I shouldn't be scared, Aizawa sensei is on the brink of death and I didn't do anything...!

[y/n]'s thoughts plagued her mind as she saw everything unfolded into a disaster in front of her. Gritting her teeth while still covering her mouth with the increasing pulse of her heartbeat, she tries to calm herself down.

Back at the central plaza, Aizawa's elbow, now almost beyond repair as it was squished by the so-called Nomu, the villain wobbled his way to the hero, "Canceling out quirks... pretty cool, but nothing special. Up against crazy strength, you might as well be totally quirkless."

Aizawa was then pinned to the ground by the Nomu while his arm snapped like a twig thanks to the creature. Before he realized what will happen next, the Nomu lifted Aizawa's head, only for it to be slammed down to the concrete pavement.

From [y/n]'s perspective, she can see Mineta trembling in fear while covering his mouth, Asui sinking herself to the water, and her twin brother looking agitated at the horrible scene before him.

Then, the black swirl appeared behind the villain, calling out his name, "Tomura Shigaraki."

He responds while not looking, "Kurogiri, is Thirteen dead?"

Kurogiri then tells him that the hero was incapacitated and that one of the students escaped.

With that, Shigaraki, now annoyed and bothered, starts to scratch and itch his chin, face, and neck to his collarbones, "Kurogiri, I'd turn you into dust if you weren't our ticket out of here."

He continues, "We won't stand a chance against dozens of pros. It's game over, man... it's game over, for now."

He then turned his heels away, "We're leaving..."

[y/n] now tries to go closer but then she saw something unsightly and was grossed out.

How come they just let this perverted diaper baby run free in this school...?

I hate how he doesn't get punished for acting inappropriately...!

After that, it was visible that Asui now was holding the grape boy's head into the water. "I have a bad feeling about this," she spoke up.

Izuku responds, "Yeah... to do all of these... and just leave on a whim..."

Shigaraki then faces the Nomu, who is still holding down the unconscious Aizawa onto the pavement, "... but before that, let's leave a few dead kids."

[y/n]'s instincts then kicked in, she ran unto Asui's direction making a beeline as she uses her wings more than twice.

The villain swiftly goes to Asui, and she was unable to react in time now that his hand is mere centimeters off her face.

But then, nothing happened as it came into contact, "You really are pretty cool..." Shigaraki weakly chuckles.

"...Eraser Head." Aizawa forcefully lifted his head so he could deactivate the enemy's quirk by looking at him directly. His face was slammed once more to the floor by the Nomu.

[y/n] is nearing the scene as she saw her brother jumped in to punch Shigaraki's arm, "Get... off her!" he shouts as he readies his fist for a punch.

"Nomu," uttered the villain. In the instant the creature heard his name, they swapped places in time for Izuku's blow. His punch was rendered useless as it inflicted no damage on the Nomu.

[y/n] mentally cursed as her head started throbbing, and her vision getting blurry. The side effects were kicking in. She tries to ignore it but to no avail, she almost fell to the ground making a sound, thankfully she landed on her two hands and feet like a cat.

Talk about bad timing...!

No... I should... surpass my limits...

[y/n] thought as she tries to crawl her way slowly to the scene without tumbling down.

Before the Nomu was about to strike an attack, Asui was about to pull Izuku back with her long tongue before he received damage, unaware that Shigaraki's hands were about to reach her face once more.

Before the moment of impact happened, All Might arrived in the nick of time.

"Fear not..."

This time, All Might was not smiling while saying his infamous catchphrase.

"I... am here."

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