[CH. 41]: Exams

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"I didn't study at all!" Kaminari exclaimed worriedly as he found out he got the lowest class ranking, which is 21st. Meanwhile, Mina, who placed 20th, laughs beside him.

He screamed as he held his head down aggressively, "Thanks to the sports festival and the internship, I totally forgot and it slipped my mind!!" 

Tokoyami, placing 15th, sweat dropped, "Indeed." 

Kaminari then complained about how Mineta placed 10th and thought they had something in common, but he was wrong.

The twins then heard, Izuku, 5th in the rankings, spoke up in a cheery tone, "Ashido, Kaminari! Let's try all the best we can!!" 

He continued, "It would be great if we can all go to the training camp, right?"

Iida, 2nd, exclaimed, "Yes!"

[y/n], 3rd, chimed in, "Don't worry, you guys! It's not the end of the world yet!" 

Todoroki, 6th, scoffed at the two with the lowest rankings, "Haven't you been attending classes? How can you possibly fail?" 

Kaminari clenched his fist on his chest, "Words hurt, you know?!"

Momo, who got the 1st, spoke up from her seat, "You two... maybe I can lend a hand if it's academics you need some help with..." 

They exclaimed, "Yo, Momo!!"

She slouched as she hung her head down her desk, "...but if it's for the practical exam... it's a different story, though."

Then the other three, Jiro, Sero, and Ojiro, joined in as they were up for her offer, which made Momo squeal in delight as she cheered.

Kirishima, in 16th place, witnessed the hype as he turned to Bakugo, ranking 4th, "That's what virtue looks like." 

Bakugo growled in a low tone, "I'll tutor you until you're dead."

"Woah, I knew I could count on you!!"


[Lunchtime at the School Cafeteria]

[y/n] sat down, placing her lunch in front of her as she spoke, "I wonder how the practical exams will go." 

Izuku perked up, "Hmm, I have no idea... academic tests just draw from what we learn in class... as for the practical? We might not have a clue." 

She nodded as she placed her hands together, saying thanks for the meal, "I don't know why, but I'm kind of looking forward to it." 

"You really have no fear of the unknown, huh?"

Iida joined in, "I can't imagine it will consist of anything particularly unusual." 

[y/n] nodded again as she took a bite of her meal, "That's UA for ya. Besides, I don't think being normal is the usual here." 

Izuku hummed while took a sip of water from his cup.

Hakagure chimed while digging in her bowl of noodles, "It's probably just a test made out of everything from the first semester." 

Asui spoke as she ate her onigiri, "That's all sensei has told us." 

Uraraka joined in, "There was battle training, rescue training, and basic training, right?" 

[y/n] nods as she gobbled another bite, "Yup. Hopefully, it would be something we can go with."

Izuku spoke as he held his chopsticks close to his rice bowl, "So in addition to our usual studies, we've got to keep up and get in our tip-top physical sh- ow!!" 

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