[CH. 20]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 2

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Back at the apartment, [y/n] tells Kayama about her plans for the upcoming school event, "You sure placed a lot of thought into this, young lady."

"Aizawa sensei says we have three chances, I do believe third time's a charm..." [y/n] speaks her mind out loud.

"... but there is nothing wrong with grabbing that luck on the first chance." She looks at Kayama with a smile. 

"Alright... also..." Kayama trails off her sentence.

"... I told your father about the sports festival..." she looks away from [y/n], "... and he sent me an entire document for your training and diet regimen."

[y/n] paused for a moment, "Well, that's one thing I have to thank him for, I guess..." She scrunched her nose grumpily, "He's trying too hard, Kayama-san. It's pretty funny."

"Why so?" Kayama asks as she prepares breakfast for the two of them, she deadpanned, "You're saying it's funny but your face says otherwise."

[y/n] responds in a melancholic tone, "I may forgive, but I never forget."

Kayama hums, "Looks like it."

She continues, "I may or may not get the gist of what happened between you two years ago or before you moved in here, but I'm glad I met you." She then approached the table where [y/n] was still sitting, holding her phone.

As she placed the dishes onto the table, [y/n]'s ringtone went off. [y/n] stood up and headed to her room, "I'm taking this call, excuse me, Kayama-san." With a nod, she heads off.

At the touch of the green icon, "Hey, Izu. You called?"

"Yeah, I just want to know how things are going." Izuku's voice sounded as if he was just woken up.

Without missing a beat, "Oh, things are going well over here. Good morning by the way," she chuckles at the sound of hoarseness in his voice. "Have you considered drinking a cup of water when you wake up?"

"I...I haven't thought about that," He stuttered.

"It's fine, Izu. But really though, you sounded like you just woke up." She sighs at her brother's adorable behavior. "Still, we have school and we can talk there, Izu. I'm hanging up."

"Okay, sure. Meet you there, [y/n]."

"Okay so," Kayama hands out the aforementioned document sent by [y/n]'s father. "I'm surprised at how detailed it is. He could make a clone of you if he wanted to, honestly."

[y/n] exclaims quietly, sighing at every page she looked and flipped over, "So he is planning to control my sleeping schedule, too? What if I can't do homework 'cuz it's beyond the waking hours in this regimen?"

"Now, now... I'm sure we can think of something." 


"Yep, your father didn't say anything specifically in helping you out, but I'll just guide you!"

With a content smile, she hugs her, "Kayama-san... I owe you a lot." 

She hugs her back with a chuckle, "You don't owe me anything, silly."


"Izu." She calls him out as she approaches her desk beside him, putting her bag on the side. 

"Morning, [y/n]."

"So..." [y/n] leaned closer. She hesitated to ask a specific question, but she decided it had to be saved for later, "... what are your plans for the upcoming sports festival?"

She continues, "Are you planning to control it so your body does not take damage as much as before?"

"Hmm, yeah," Izuku nods, "I also have to master this in two weeks." 

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