[BK. 2 CH. 10]: Scheduled Visit

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"So, when will you be back?" Izuku asked his twin sister as he placed the dishes in the sink while [y/n] tied her hair and zipped her red jacket up to her neck with a backpack hanging by her shoulder.

"Ah... about that," [y/n] trails off her response as she avoids his eyes, "Some time... tomorrow evening? I'll be back before Monday, definitely! Today's a Saturday, anyway!"

She hears Izuku groan, "[y/n]... how does a sleepover last that long? Isn't it usually just one night?"

"Aw, come on, Izu..." [y/n] chuckled as the keychain tied to the zipper of her bag dangled, "It's been a while since I interacted with a close friend of mine from my previous school! We miss each other that much!"

She then puts her hands together in a praying... or pleading position as she hangs her head lower than her hands, "Just this once Izu, pretty please?! I won't do anything suspicious! None of that! At all! Promise!!"

"Alright," Izuku sighs as he wipes his hands onto the edge of his shirt and faced her with a small smile, "But promise me to send a picture once both of you are together, got it?"

"It's a deal!" [y/n] smiled almost innocently, like a child who finally got permission to play in the amusement park by themselves.

She then hugs Izuku tightly, with her breath muffled against his chest, "You're the best, Izu! I owe you one!"

With a wave of goodbye, [y/n] goes out of the dormitory with a relieved expression on her face.

"Where is she headed to?" A familiar voice rang behind Izuku as he jolted.

"Ah, good morning, Todoroki!" Izuku greets as he gains back his calm composure while noticing the towel carefully draped on Todoroki's shoulders, "She's having a sleepover with an old schoolmate of hers. [y/n] will be back before Monday."

Todoroki remained silent as Izuku adds, "Don't worry, she went to an all-girls school before U.A."

"I see..." Todoroki unconsciously rubs the drenched part of his hair with the towel. Why did he say all that, though...?

"Is that how long sleepovers last?" Todoroki asks as he heads to the fridge.

Izuku answers, in the surest tone he could muster while grabbing a glass for Todoroki, knowing he'd usually drink cold milk in the mornings, "One night only, and they return home the morning after."

"That's odd of her," Todoroki left a comment before pouring the milk into the glass as he sat down by the dining table. So that's how sleepovers work, huh...? I wonder what people do during sleepovers... it must be nice...

"I agree, but who am I to doubt her? She's my sister." Izuku sighs again as he sat across from him.

"How much do you two trust each other, Izuku?"

"Hmm... I'd say..."

[Jaku General Hospital]

"Where's that photo..." [y/n] mumbles to herself while scrolling through the gallery of her phone, "Ah, there it is... I look pretty from this angle. The color of my jacket pops off nicely, too."

She continues talking to herself until she sent the edited picture to her brother while passing through the white sterile hallway, "That should lessen his worries, I hope." Toga's pretty useful, too... huh? Good thing I told her to gather up some blood from a random girl before meeting me today.

It was early in the morning and people were barely seen walking around except the hospital staff. Fortunately, she did not gain attention from any of the nurses who passed by her as she went into a secluded part of the hospital near the emergency exit.

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