[CH. 83]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 8

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"You gotta take care of yourself to save other people as a hero, you know?" Izuku spoke as he carefully held [y/n] to slowly help her stand up.

Her legs gradually shook as she huffed, her eyes not leaving the figure hidden behind the smoke that came about from the explosion, "I know... but what gives? People will die from this exam if I hadn't moved any second faster. Screw self-care."

"You think you can do better than that?"

[y/n] paused in her breathing as she hears a voice in her head. Her eyes widened as she almost choked from the air. Her mouth slowly opened as she gasps in small amounts of inhales as if she was trying to breathe. This voice...

... was supposed to be asleep.

She grunted in silence as Izuku held her tight, not noticing her silence as she was slowly carried to the evacuation point. She spoke in her thoughts in a serious tone, "How come... I can still hear you? I already put you to sleep years ago!"

The voice answered as it snickered, "What makes you think it was over?"

The voice continued as [y/n] sat as Izuku told him to stay put while he ran towards the commotion, "Besides. We both know the hypnosis didn't kill me, it just made me sleepy..."

"... you're the only one who knows the only way to get rid of me. Why didn't you do it? Oh yeah... the dire consequences. My bad, hehe."

"You know what will happen if I do that, both of us will-" [y/n] bit her tongue on purpose as she continues sitting down, watching her brother from afar, "What did you do to the others, Apollyon?"

"Thank goodness, [y/n]. I thought you forgot my name after all these years of my slumber. As for Gavreel, she's too scared to talk. Nephalem, on the other hand, hates you because you rarely use him, so he refuses to talk to you."

"Why did you wake up now? Haven't you noticed how much of bad timing this is? Are you sure you didn't do anything to those two?"

"Cut me some slack. You know you need help right now, I feel like lending a hand anyway. Those two are just cowards who can't speak up for themselves."

"The last time you did that... I almost killed my classmate when you took over my consciousness."

"Hey, I'm not perfect. I tend to make mistakes like everyone else. That girl was too weak she allowed herself to almost get killed by you."

"No, I don't want your help. And she's not weak, you're wrong."

"You know you need my help, [y/n]."

"I said I don't want it."

"You're in a middle of a situation here, you need the help you can get. Do you want it to happen again?"

"No... never... I still don't want your help."

"But your brother needs it."

[y/n] paused once more, her body slumping as she stared down at the white tarpaulin she sat on with the rest. At the mention of the word 'brother', it seemed like it was an obvious weakness for her. She cares deeply for her brother that she will do anything within her reach, even in desperate measures she will step in to protect him.

"Let me help you. Just for a bit. You won't get another chance like this."


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