[BK. 2 CH. 7]: Easy

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[Flashback, Chapter 70]

"Do we really have to go this far?" [y/n] sweatdropped as she caressed the bandaged fingers of her left hand as she spoke to Aizawa in the clinic with Recovery Girl sitting in front of her desk. Apparently, she placed it inside her desk drawer before today without anyone noticing it. 

She did it as instructed by her teacher, Aizawa, who thought sacrificing a few bruised fingers was a good idea to get her out of the classroom before classes started.

"Now, now," Recovery Girl ushered the two outside in haste as she pushed their backs gently, "You must be on your way, her classmates may find it unusual if you stay here any longer."

"Alright," Aizawa sighed as he signaled [y/n] to follow him. "Let's get going."

The two walked in the quiet hallway as the sound of their footsteps echoed between the tiled floor and polished walls. Aizawa's voice broke the echoes as he explains without looking at [y/n] who trailed behind while he remembered the serious injuries he got from the USJ incident, "I'm not a big fan of revenge, [y/n], but this is one of the ways to excuse you without letting anyone in the class suspecting you."

"I know," [y/n] groaned as she ignores the stinging sensation on her fingers, "It's not my fault that happened."

"Clearly, it isn't." He continues as they reached the door to the principal's office, "But in one way or another, the incident revolves around you, too."

Before she could reply, Aizawa interrupted her, "It's not like apologizing will undo the damage either, so save it for now." He then opens the door to the office and lets her in first.

"Ah, good to finally see you two again!" Principal Nezu greets in a gleeful tone as he stood up from his chair, approaching the duo to the guest seats in front of his office desk while offering a choice of beverage, "Would you two like some hot chocolate or green tea?"

As [y/n] excitedly chose chocolate tea, the principal prepares the drink as he spoke to her, "Your report about the kidnapping that happened with you and your classmate, Bakugo, has surely popped up new questions that were not addressed by the police upon their investigations. A lot of what you mentioned was not stated in their files based on their interrogation with you and Bakugo. I appreciate your willingness to cooperate with us as well as your honesty and transparency that are not even once unwavering regardless of what you've been through. I didn't call Bakugo as I think he would not appreciate the timing of being excused during classes and the result of this meeting would become unpleasant if that happens."

He then hands a cup of hot chocolate drink to [y/n] as he sat across him, sipping the green tea he also prepared for himself since Aizawa declined the offer of drinking either of the two beverages, "Now, you mentioned in your report that All For One was the source of your father's quirk that was later passed on to you, and he told you to 'give back what you stole from him'. Would you mind elaborating?"

A few seconds of silence passed by as [y/n] carefully placed the cup on its saucer, as if she was choosing the right words to reply to the principal, "Yes, he told me to give it back to him, the quirk I possess to be specific. He also mentioned that my father violated one of the rules he allegedly imposed on him and that he deserved to be punished. My father created a family without his permission, so he hid and changed his identity. He bears the name from the time he graduated middle school until his death but it was not the real one. I knew it would be an invasion of privacy but even I who sneaked up into his room didn't leave a trace in his past. "

"You also mentioned that All For One obtained back the quirk that your father owned but then he took drastic measures to get it back from him, resulting in your father's death."

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