[CH. 54]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 7

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"Get inside the building, I'll be back soon."

As Aizawa ran into the forest to back up the other pro heroes fighting the villains and searching for the other students. 

Izuku advanced as his injuries continued to throb in pain with Kota on his back. The little boy then spoke up as he saw a familiar figure nearby, "Mister!"

Aizawa then paused as he turned to face him with a face that says 'disappointed but not surprised' as soon as he saw Izuku's injuries with Kota riding on his back. 

Izuku spoke up as he huffed from running, "Sensei! Glad I found you!" He continued as he approached his teacher. "It's really bad, there's a lot I have to tell you..."

His teacher muttered, "Wait-" 

But got cut off by Izuku as if he didn't hear him say a thing, "...there's something Mandalay has to hear. And please, take Kota with you. He's got a water-based quirk, so please protect him!" 

Aizawa attempted to let him hear him one more time, "I said wait-" 

Only to be interrupted by Izuku again as the green-haired boy began to ran off with his broken arms swinging in the air. Aizawa spoke up again, "Izuku, wait!"

Izuku stopped as he turned to face his teacher, and Aizawa sighed, "You've done it again and again," 

He continued as he takes both of Kota's hands and held him close, "You've crushed your bones to dust." 

Izuku sweatdropped, "Oh... no, but-"

"As I was saying..." Aizawa interrupts him as he continues to speak one more time, "... tell her this."


"Stay back! Let me get my item!" Big Sis Mag yelled as she deflected every attack from Tiger while holding her sunglasses from falling off of her face.

Meanwhile, Mandalay spoke to Spinner as she goes for the offensive, "Tenacious is what I would call you, you sham!" 

Spinner replied as he leaped towards the pro hero while swinging his weapon, "Now be a good girl and get purged."

Just as Spinner was about to land another scratch on Mandalay, Izuku appeared from above as he kicked Spinner's giant clash of swords with a scream, "Mandalay... Kota is safe!" 

He continued as he landed on the ground with unequal footing, "I have a message from Aizawa sensei, please use telepathy to tell everyone!!" 

He then stood up as he faced the pro hero from a certain distance with him away from the villains, "Tell everyone in Class A and B that pro hero Eraser Head has granted us permission to fight back!!"


"Hey, mister... is he gonna be okay?" Kota spoke as Aizawa carried him back to the camp. 

He continued as he slowly sobbed while holding onto Aizawa tightly, "I punched him the other day, but still... he went and got all beat up trying to save me... I didn't get a chance to tell him I'm sorry... or thank you! I hope he's okay..."

Aizawa responded with a huff while holding him carefully as he ran, "He's fine... he got beat up like that because he has no intention of dying. As his teacher, though, I'll have to give him some proper scolding about it. So once this is all over, just focus on a nice, big 'thank you'."


"Thanks for the message!" Mandalay screamed as she landed a hit on Spinner from above with her kick, "Get back to the camp now! Those injuries look nasty as hell!!"

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