[CH. 56]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 9

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"Uraraka?!" Shoji screamed as he saw they have apprehended another villain while running towards the Uraraka and Asui. 

As soon as Toga saw them approaching, "Oh darn." 

She then flipped herself up off of Uraraka as the syringe attached to Uraraka's thigh came out by itself as Toga ran.

She spoke, "There are too many people now. I don't feel like dying yet. Bye-bye." 

But as soon as she saw Izuku and his wounds on his body, it made her pause before she finally ran off.

The brown-haired girl was about to chase Toga when Asui stopped her with her tongue as she was free from sticking to the bark of the tree, "Wait! We've still got no clue what her quirk is!" 

Izuku spoke up from Shoji's back, "Who was that girl...?" 

Uraraka answered while clutching her injuries, "A villain. She's nuts." 

He exclaimed when he looked at her, "Uraraka, you're hurt!"

Uraraka shook her head as she replied, "I'm fine... I can walk anyway." 

Her eyes then landed on the green-haired boy, "But, look at you, Deku!" 

Todoroki joined in as he huffed from carrying the same person all throughout, "No time to stand around. Let's keep moving."

Izuku spoke up once more, "I'm just glad you two are okay. Oh, I know! Come with us! We're guarding Kacchan and heading to the camp." 

The two girls, Asui and Uraraka, tilted their heads as Asui spoke, "Guarding Bakugo? Then where is he?"

Izuku raised an eyebrow as he slowly turned his head like the rest of the boys, "What do you mean? He's right behind-"

"Looking for him?" A man wearing a mask and a coat with a hat juggled three small marbles in one hand as the other holds a staff while he stood on a tree branch nearby, "I have taken him with my magic." 

He continued as he stopped juggling, only to hold the marbles while he spoke, "He is not a resource that belongs on the heroes' side. We are going to put him on a stage where he can finally shine."

Izuku screams with an angry expression at the villain, "Give him back!" 

The villain spoke up, "He doesn't belong to anyone, you egoist! He's a person, not a property!!"

Before any of the two could take action, Todoroki spoke up as he stomped his feet, and a trail of ice spikes was sent the villain's way. "Move!" 

The villain lept and spoke while in midair, "All we wish is to show him that there are other ways... because of you kids today... you have your values chosen for a reason." 

Shoji sweatdropped as he looked back, "It's not just Bakugo... Tokoyami and [y/n]'s gone, too!"

Todoroki frowned as he eyed the villain, "The three in the rear...he took them away without a sound? What is his quirk?! There was no need to confront us... he's mocking us." 

The villain continued to hold the marbles as he spoke, landing on one of the spikes of ice, "Sorry for my bad habit... I'm an entertainer at heart. Taking Tokoyami was just a part of my adlibs."

He continues as he has two marbles in his hand, "Moonfish was singlehandedly shot down and easily trampled by your rampaging friend, meanwhile she has to go back where she belongs... to her family! That's why I decided to take them, too!" 

Izuku screamed one more time, "You can't have them, you jerk! Hand them over!!"

As soon as Todoroki heard the names, he rushed over to the villain as he gave the person from Class B to Uraraka, "Take care of him!" 

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