[CH. 66]: Home Visits

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"Your sacrifice saved countless lives," Principal Nezu spoke from his seat as All Might, Vlad King, and Eraser Head, who all wore formal suits, stood in front of him from his desk in his office. 

"The people, heroes, and I, the principal, cannot possibly thank you enough." He continues as he placed both of his hands on his desk, "However, concerning your current tenure as a teacher here at U.A., there's been a fair amount of criticism coming from the public. They're thinking, 'How can All Might still teach at U.A. especially now that he can't fight?', 'Wouldn't children just get caught up in another incident?'"

Nezu smiled at the three as he clenched his fists, "They're all just uneasy... which is why we have to come together and get stronger. We need to hold on to the public's trust in the heroes that you worked so hard to build. The whole incident should be enough to make everyone realize."

Vlad King spoke as he placed his right hand on his chest, "We've been placing the entire burden on you all this time... and it's a heavy one. There are still threats out there... we need to ensure our students are in a safe, and stable environment."

The principal spoke up once more as he placed a bunch of papers on his desk, "To what end, we'll be implementing a plan I've been ruminating on for quite some time. Vlad and I will handle Class B, with its many casualties... All Might and Eraser Head will deal with Class A." With a smile, "Good luck with the home visits."


'G'morning, mom..." [y/n] spoke in a weak tone as she yawned and stretched. 

Mom looked at the clock, "It's already noon, [y/n]." 

"Oh... I slept that long?"

"At least you got a good night's rest...!" 

She continues as she prepares food for her daughter, "So, did you have trouble sleeping last night?" 

[y/n] shook her head with a cheeky smile, "Nope, I still can't believe my bedroom from before was intact... it brings back memories."

Inko sweatdropped, "Yeah, we couldn't afford to throw your stuff away. I even remembered Izuku crying almost every day while sitting in front of your bedroom door whenever he doesn't see you first in the morning when he was younger. You'd always locked your bedroom door so he couldn't see you unless you open it for him."

Izuku appeared as he got out of the shower with an embarrassing whine as he covers his face with a towel, "Mom, why did you tell her that...?" 

[y/n] laughed in response, "No worries, your secret is safe with me." She continues as she covers her mouth, "Honestly, that's so cute of you to cry like that." 

Izuku huffed as he crossed his arms, "Y-you can't just say that so casually." 

[y/n] shows a straight face, "Nah, I'm saying it in an honest way."

As [y/n] finished eating her brunch at the dining table, she spoke with chopsticks in her left hand, "Say, I wonder how U.A. has been handling it lately." 

Izuku joined in as he sat across her while typing something from his phone, "Hmm, yeah. At this point, I think they have to try regaining the public's trust... I don't know how they'll do it, though." 

Inko chimed in as she clarifies, "Well, at least for now. I can entrust the school to its dorm system. I can also assume they upgraded a lot of their security systems, too. So like as I said yesterday, I'll allow it." 

[y/n] smiled at her, "I'm glad you're fine with it, mom."


[Bakugo Residence]

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