[CH. 35]: Internships Pt. 1

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"Hmm," [y/n] hummed as she side-eyed All Might and Izuku going in the same direction. Before she could do anything, her own legs followed them. To her surprise, she hid behind the corners as she leaned against the wall.

"What am I doing?" She muttered to herself. She does not see herself as an eavesdropper. But recently, she might not be able to describe herself the way she is before as she is now.

She then perked her head to listened to the duo. Unfortunately, they were too far for her to hear, the only thing she heard is a 'Gran Torino'.

She then shifted to a more comfortable position as she leaned against the wall while she puts her fist to her chin, "Gran Torino... huh?"

As she was about to walk in the opposite direction, her phone dinged, indicating a notification.

She pulled it up from her pocket, and her eyes widened with delight, "Sweet, my costume has been completely remodeled!"

She then ran to the studio and knocked on the door of the Development Studio, "It's me, Midoriya [y/n]! May I come in?"

As soon as the door opened, she was greeted by a high-pitched voice from a pink-haired girl, "Oh my goodness!! It's that green-haired boy lookalike!!" Mei then closes the distance between them as she scans and touches her face, neck, shoulders, arms, and to her waist, "It's like gender-bending came to life!!"

When she let go of [y/n], who is still in shock, she replied, "Oh, I'm his younger twin... in case if he didn't tell you."  She then lets out a nervous chuckle. 

Her eyes lit up, "Oh, right! The costume! Can I see it?"

Mei then shook her head, "Nope, you will be finally given permission to take a look at it once you arrived at your place of internship! Also, Power Loader is not here at the moment so I cannot just do something just because he isn't here, right??"

[y/n] sweatdrops as she stutters, "Uhm... y-yeah, I guess?" 

"Good! Now off you go and anticipate the surprise of your costume! You'll love it!"

She chuckled as she leaves the room with a wave goodbye, "I will!"

[y/n] pouts on her way back, "Then why did they give me a notification when I can't even see it as soon as they told me it was finished...? Hmph."


[Beginning of the Internships]

Aizawa spoke up in front of his students at the train station, "You all have gotten your costumes right? Wearing them in public is strictly prohibited, but don't ever drop them."

The class responded with a "Yeah!"

"So, [y/n]." Izuku spoke up, gaining his sister's attention, "Looks like we have to part ways again."

[y/n]'s mouth almost went to a jaw-drop as the sentence echoed a different meaning to her that made her recall her past memories, she then smiled as she clutched her briefcase close to her, "Yeah, I guess we have to see each other next time."

She continued with a pout, "You better text me and tell me what goes on, I'll do the same of course."

Izuku nods eagerly, "Hmm! I promise I will!"

They then both waved goodbye as Uraraka and Izuku caught up to Iida, who seemed to have gone his way ahead of the others.

Before she could even have a chance to bid farewell to her other friends, she felt a tug on her arm sleeve, "It's this way."

She then turned to see who it is, "Oh, it's just you, Todoroki." 

He released his tug from her arm sleeve the moment she saw him, "Do you even know where to go?"

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