[CH. 48]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 1

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"We are the Wild, Wild Pussy Cats!" The two female pro heroes announced as they stroke a pose in front of the students meanwhile a child wearing a thorned head cap deadpans in the background.

Aizawa explained in monotone as the two Wild Pussy Cats were wobbling as they try to stay in their poses, "These are the pro heroes who will be helping us out this time."

[y/n] then noticed how silent her brother became only for her to realize Izuku was practically shaking and smiling from enthusiasm like how a kid gets a taste of sugary sweets for the first time and he spoke with delight, "So it's really them!! They're a four-member team who all work under the same agency!! This veteran team specializes in mountain rescue operations! They've been in business for twelve years now!!"

As he continued to speak, [y/n] deadpanned as she realizes, Oh yeah... I forgot he'd react like this to literally every pro hero he sees in person or even on TV or in videos or in pictures... where does he get all this energy...?

All of a sudden, one of the Wild Pussy Cats, wearing a blue outfit, lunged forward to land a soft punch onto Izuku's face as he oomfed, "We're 18 at heart!" 

She asked as she pressed his face hard with her paw-like gloves, "How old?" 

Izuku literally yelped as he replied, "E-eighteen!"

The other Wild Pussy Cat wearing red pointed out to a space full of trees down below the cliff as she spoke, "This whole area here is our territory." 

She then pointed to another direction as she turned to face the students, "Your lodging is at the foot of that mountain over there."

The class sweatdropped, "So far away!!"

Uraraka nervously asks as she had a feeling that there will be something unexpected that can happen, "Then why did we... stop halfway?"

One of the Wild Pussy Cats in red replied in a serious tone as her tail starts to wag on its own, "The time right now is 9:30 in the morning... I've been thinking, I think around noon, at the earliest."

[y/n] raised her hand as she asked, "So you're expecting us to arrive there before or at noon, Wild Pussy Cat-san?"

The pro hero dressed in red sweatdropped as she heard the honorific, "You can drop the '-san' part, and yes!!"

Ashido screamed "Run!" as Kirishima's face was painted in horror as he shakily spoke, "Crud... no way..."

Sero on the other hand nervously chuckled as he pointed at the vehicle, "Let's get to the bus and hurry, no?"

The same pro hero then announced with a confident grin while the other Wild Pussy Cat wearing a blue outfit crouched down with her 'paws' touching the ground like a cat, "Those who won't be able to make it there by 12:30 won't get any lunch!"

Kirishima then screamed as he ran back to the bus, "Everyone, get to the bus! Quick!"

Aizawa sighed as he felt the ground trembling beneath his feet, "Sorry kids."

"Izu?" [y/n] flinched when she felt the ground shake under her as she looked at her brother, "Grab on to me!" 

She yelled as she was about to use her wings but she was a second too late to react as the ground formed a wave that resembled a tsunami as it came at them.

Unable to use her wings, she stumbled as she was trapped by the soil in midair as she looked to where they were dropping, I can't lift everyone to safety, what do I do?

Distracted by her thoughts, she hasn't realized she's falling like the rest of her classmates as she landed harshly on one of them.

With a grunt, she realized she landed on someone's back. 

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