[CH. 34]: Hero Names Pt. 2

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"You know each other?!?!"

[y/n] muffled as she tries to sit straight while still avoiding everyone's eyes as she looked down, "Yeah."

The silence continues as it initiated to make her talk more, "But it's a long story! Let's save it for some other time, okay?" she sweatdropped as she nervously spoke.

Izuku blinked as he talked, "You surely know some great heroes, [y/n]." 

She replied with a scoff, "Coming from you, All Might does love eating lunch with you, huh?"

With a pout, he turned away, "I can't rebut against that..."

Aizawa then continues his statement earlier, "Midnight will be here to assess the sensibility of the names you pick. I'm no good at that."

He continues as he rustles something from the podium, "What future do you see for yourself? The name you choose will bring you ever closer to cementing a certain image... because names are capable of reflecting one's inner true character... Like 'All Might'."

As whiteboards and markers were passed around, [y/n] pondered on what her hero name could be, unknowingly that her classmate has been calling her name since she was so busy thinking.

After accepting the board, she gripped it tightly as she thought, "What hero name does suit me...? Does it need to have something that has to do with black and white?? Or should I take inspiration from my father? Wait no, copying may be the best form of flattery, but I don't think he would appreciate it... he might even call me unoriginal if I do it... so scrap it..."


[15 minutes later]

Midnight then claps her hands to signal the end of the brainstorming, "Time's up! We can start with whoever's ready!"

Aoyama stood up carrying his whiteboard to the front of the class as they murmured, "It's like a formal presentation!" 

"Sheesh! He sure has the guts to go first!!"

Aoyama then spoke up, raising his whiteboard for the class to see, "Shining Hero: I Cannot Stop Twinkling!"

The class reacted, "It's a whole sentence!!"

Midnight then approached him as she placed her glasses on top of her head, "It'll be easier to say if you take out the 'I' and contract 'cannot' into 'can't'." 

"I see, mademoiselle!" Aoyama gleefully replied as if one could see the glitter and small stars coming out of his face. Thankfully, Christmas trees are on their breaks at this time of year and will not be needing his 'stars'.

Mina volunteered next with her 'Ridley Hero: Alien Queen', but then Midnight clicked her tongue in disagreement, "From the sequel? Is it because her blood was super acidic? That's terrible!!"

The class fell silent as they wanted to come up with something better than the two who went first.

Asui spoke up as she raised her hand, "Can I go next, please?"

As she stood in front with her whiteboard on her hands, "I've had this thought out since elementary school. Call me Froppy."

Midnight squealed with delight, "So cute!! It makes you sound like you'd be easy to get to know!"

She then faced the class as she crossed her arms, "The rest of you, take note. This is perfectly a lovable name!"

Kirishima came in next, "This is me!! Sturdy Hero: Red Riot!"

Midnight smiled as she looked at his whiteboard, "Red Riot! Could this be a homage to Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot?"

Kirishima nervously replied as he scratches the back of his head, "Right! I know he's from back in the day, but Crimson's the kind of hero I wanna be."

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