[CH. 46.5]: Team Names

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[Context: This was before the practical exam officially started.]

Izuku exclaimed at the idea, "You're right! It would be great to have a cool team name... but what would it be? And who else would be on our team?"

[y/n] sighed as she spoke, "If we were with Bakugo, it would have been Team Durian..."

The ash blond-haired boy growled as soon as he heard his name and approached the twins, "What do I have to do with that foul-smelling fruit?!" 

[y/n] scoffed with her arms crossed, "Wow, I guess you really do know your own kind, huh?" 

"The heck does that even mean? What are you implying?!"

The rest of Bakugo's squad, especially Kirishima and Kaminari, deadpanned at the scene, "Here they go again." 

Kirishima sighs as he turned his head. "Damn, even in front of the teachers, too... so shameless."

Out of the blue, Todoroki seemed interested and spoke to Izuku, "If it's us three, we would be Team Watermelon."

[y/n] turned to face him as she ignores Bakugo, "Oh, Todoroki! I never knew you're into this." 

She then continued as she faced the others, "Oh, right! If we add Denki into the mix, we would be Team Strawberry!" 

Izuku eagerly nods in agreement, "Right! Then with Kirishima-kun, it's Team Apple!"

The twins cheered as they both grinned, "Yeah!"

Todoroki tilted his head as he asks out of pure curiosity, "Are you two hungry? The team names were all food." 

[y/n] shook her head in response, "Nah, it's the closest comparison, so why not?" She then flashed a smile as the half-and-half boy jolted as he pursed his lips tightly.

He then spoke up as he shoved his hands into his pockets, "Then, in this case, Izuku would be a broccoli." 

The green-haired boy flinched with a sulky expression, "Why am I suddenly a vegetable?"

Ignoring Izuku's whines, Todoroki continues as he faced [y/n], "And you would be a green gummy bear." 

[y/n] deadpanned in confusion, "What? That's a processed food unlike the fruits and the vegetable mentioned earlier."

"I know."

She sweatdropped as she asks him, "So... why am I a green gummy bear...?"

Todoroki then removes his hands out of his pocket, one of them landed on top of [y/n]'s head as he replied, "You smell like strawberries."

(Explanation: Green gummy bears have strawberry flavor, and [y/n]'s hair smells like strawberries as described by Bakugo in [CH. 13]: Confrontation Pt.2)

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