[CH. 5]: Quirk Apprehension Test Pt. 3

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"What a waste of time to deal with self-centered brats like you." He readjusts himself as he grabbed an eyedropper to treat his dry eyes.

Izuku went back to his spot in the crowd with Uraraka and [y/n] approaching him carefully.

"Uwaah..." Uraraka exclaimed with a worried look combined with amazement. "Is your finger okay?"

[y/n] then asks, "Are you okay?" while she carefully holds his hand close to her for her to examine the injury. " You've got some strange quirk, Izu-chan."

"Eh... yeah. Don't worry about it...!" He scratches the nape of his neck sheepishly with his uninjured hand as he answers the two girls one by one.

Bakugo was stunned, not literally but metaphorically, at Izuku and [y/n]... who to him was born and proven quirkless.

Up until now...

They were just another bunch of pebbles in my path...

He was enraged as if he has no idea who the twins are anymore. He was confused, shocked, and left wondering.

They are supposed to be not more than pebbles in my path...!! He thoughts as he recalled the twins fawning over his quirk back when the three of them were kids. He remembers how they were astonished by his explosion quirk, saying they hoped to get a quirk as cool as his. Then he also recalled how he retorted and told them theirs would never be as amazing as his and that they can never surpass him.

For the first time in his life, he started regretting things he shouldn't have said before.

"Moving along, it is time for the results," Aizawa then puts his binding weapons that looked like fabric back to his neck.

My only record worth mentioning was that throw...

But I sucked at everything else...!

Especially the endurance running, because the pain was so bad!

I'm done for...

Izuku holds his head down as it was plagued by endless worries and regrets from the test that happened. He sees that by now, everyone knows who ranked last and going home after their first day of school.

Aizawa, in front of the entire Class 1-A, proceeds to load up the holographic screen, "Also, I was lying about expelling someone."


"Ehhh....?" Everyone exclaimed at their teacher's little white lie.

"That was a rational deception meant to bring out the best in all of you." The teacher gave out a chuckle whilst he smirked at everyone's priceless reactions, "Whaaat??", with Izuku's being the most flamboyant one he has ever seen.

Yaoyorozu Momo, the girl with a ponytail and has the quirk Creation spoke up, "Well of course it was a lie... didn't take much to figure that out..." she sighs at her classmates' dumbfounded faces.

Aizawa paced forward as he gives his final instructions to the class, "Anyway. We're done here. Your documents about the curriculum and such are back in the classroom. Give them a look."

He then stopped and turned to face the dark-green-haired boy, "Midoriya," the little boy flinched at the mention of his name.

The teacher pulls out an excuse slip and hands it out to Izuku, "Have Recovery Girl fix you up. Tomorrow's trials aren't gonna be any easier."

I'm safe for now, but...

There's still too much I can't do...

Above it, all, [y/n] has been observing her older twin for a long time... What happened back when I wasn't around, Izu?

Were you acting weak and small just to throw the others off? That does not work on me...

For I... am weaker than you.

Izuku then keeps the self monologue constant. I am literally starting at the bottom.

But I am here to learn!

So I can get closer to my dream...!

Aizawa walks away as the students gathered around the rank board.

"I tied with Bakugo... at third place..." [y/n] exhaled, not because she was relieved that she didn't earn the last place in ranks, but thinking about how that ill-tempered boy is gonna lash out her ears is tiring enough.

"You b*itch! How dare you keep up with me! You're supposed to be last just like Deku...!" He shouted like an angry dog, ready to bite as he flashes his teeth out of spite and annoyance.

She then ignores the noise and went straight to Izuku, who is still standing with an injury on his finger with Uraraka and the guy with glasses and an engine-type quirk, Iida.


"Aizawa! You big fat liar!" Out came All Might, who was watching the entire event of the Quirk Apprehension Test from around the corner where he wasn't visible by the others.

"All MIght... you were watching... good to know you don't mind wasting time," Aizawa lazily replies as he looked at him.

"A 'rational deception'? April Fool's Day was over a week ago," All Might expressed his disappointment in his colleague's tactics in 'motivating' his students.

He continued with a sigh, "Last year, you expelled an entire class of first years..."

All Might points his finger at the black-haired man enthusiastically, "That boy, Midoriya... You sense his potential as well, yes?!"

For a moment, Aizawa was silent as he thought it over, " 'As well?' "

He was bewildered at All Might, "You will be supporting him...? I understand that's usually not your style, but..."

He lets the silence take over for a moment.

"... he does not have a chance. And his younger twin, [y/n] was just as worse as he is. That is all I can say." He walks off with his back facing the pro hero, who is still pointing his finger at him up until now.

He continues as the distance between them goes farther, " Because if they had no prospects, of course, I would cut them loose..."

"... There is nothing crueler than letting someone chase their half-baked dreams."

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