[CH. 73]: Ultimate Moves Pt. 4

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"P-pigtails?" [y/n] stuttered at the unexpected request, "Hatsume, what are you planning?"

The pink-haired girl suddenly dragged her to an empty room as she spoke in haste while [y/n] was holding all of the pieces of the costume, "No time to waste, now put them on!! I'll be back to check on ya...!" 

As Hatsume closed the door, [y/n] sighed, "It's not like I haven't tied my hair before... oh well." 

She continued as she started taking off her shoes, "Hmm... it's weird how Power Loader sensei and Hatsume aren't avoiding me at all..." 

She then paused as she does her 'in deep thought' pose, "Haven't they watched the conference?... Whether they did or not, I expected them to completely ignore me or avoid me altogether..." 

She stared at the costume she hung on the wall, "How did she have all the time making all these...?" She sighed as she continued to remove a piece of clothing from her body, "I guess I have to expect the unexpected, huh...?"

As she took her precious time to change her clothes, Hatsume immediately rushed to Izuku as she started to touch his upper body from his back. 

The green-haired boy stood shocked and frozen as Hatsume was focused on touching his chest and sides, "Okay, I see." 

Uraraka stuttered as she sees her, "W-what are you doing, Hatsume?!"

Hatsume replied as she continued, "I'm touching his body..." 

While Izuku was flustered, she spoke, "Yes, yes... more ripped than he looks like at first glance. Heh heh... Right, this'll be perfect for you...!"

He then wore one of Hatsume's inventions as the pink-haired girl excitedly introduced the gadget, "This is my baby! The Power Suit!" 

She continues as she crouches down while fixing the wires on the floor, "This high-tech baby senses whenever your muscles contract and aids in movement! It's my 49th creation! Heh heh heh!!" 

Izuku sweatdropped as he struggled to move an inch, "I honestly only need support for my arms..."

The machine he was wearing started to make beeping sounds as movements were visible, "Wow, it's moving on its own!" Izuku exclaimed. 

The power suit then started twisting itself as Izuku started to feel pain, "Huh...? Wait, no. Stop! My back is hurting!! Ow... ow!!"

Hatsume spoke as she pressed one of the buttons she was holding, "Looks like the mobility software's buggy! My bad!"

As he was set free from the machine, he was down on his knees as he touched his back while rubbing it, "All I wanted was a brace for my arms... and I nearly got snapped into two..." 

Hatsume sweatdropped, "I guess I could always use that one to immobilize the bad guys!"

On the other hand, Iida spoke to Power Loader as his back faces the pink-haired girl, "I would like to strengthen the radiators on my legs... if at all possible." 

Unfortunately, Hatsume heard him and replied before Power Loader could say anything as she spoke, "Then in that case..." 

The next thing he knew was that he was already wearing something additional on his arms as Hatsume continued, "... how about... this baby!!"

She continues as she searches for the button for the machine in the rubble, "This Super Cooler Electric Booster reduces heat output to a minimum. It's my 36th baby! Cute, isn't it?!" 

Iida sweatdropped, "But I don't need a booster, Hatsume. Besides, why would you attach it to my arms...?" 

Not bothering to listen to him, she presses the button as she yells, "Booster, on!" 

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