[CH. 78]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 3

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"The U.A. Crush.... right," Aizawa replied in a low tone as he faced Ms. Joke, "It's not like I didn't tell them for any particular reason."

He then looked at the chaos below them as the exam started, "It's not going to change what they've got to do here."

Aizawa then saw Izuku and his classmates surrounded by other students, "They still have to overcome the odds."

Just as several balls came their way, the group managed to dodge most of them as they try to escape. 

Aizawa hummed as his scarf covered his mouth, "It's a hero's job to turn the tables in a pinch. Once they go pro, it's a simple fact of life that their quirks will be known to all."

He continued, "No offense, but compared to the rest of you..." his smirk goes unnoticed with a confident scoff, "... we are looking towards the future."


"You're not yet gonna use your balls to target them?" Todoroki tilted his head in confusion as he stared at the trapped examinees.

[y/n] replied almost immediately, with her hands on her hips with her back facing him, "Shouldn't we at least have a little fun? We have all the time we need anyway."

Todoroki approaches her as he replied, "But [y/n], what you're doing right now will just attract the other students to come here."



The green-haired girl sighs as she tucked a stray strand of her green hair behind her left ear, "Haven't you heard of the phrase 'The more, the merrier.' before?" She continued as she took a few steps forward, now facing one of the unlucky victims of her Cocoon, "Besides, if most of the students are here, this can only mean that the number of students attacking Izu is lesser."

"You're doing all of this... so he could pass the exam?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"But why? You're facing a greater risk right now, what will you gain?"

"It's not about what I'll gain, Todoroki." She turned her head to face him with a serious expression, and her eyes half-closed, "I don't care about that. You can tell how much he wants to be a hero, and this is the least I can do for him..."

"... as his sister."

Before Todoroki could say anything, more students came to their location, just as Todoroki predicted a moment ago. The bi-colored-haired male grunts as he faced them, "More are coming this way."

"Ah..." [y/n] turned her heel to face the incoming students, "Todoroki, ready to witness another experiment of mine?"

As he faced the green-haired girl, he spoke in a tone that one can tell he was hesitant, "[y/n], are you saying you're about to do something that you didn't do while we trained for our ultimate moves?"

"Of course I did. I just practiced secretly," [y/n] placed both of her hands on her left hip with her left-hand closing to a fist with dark smoke coming out of her right hand, "No hero is a one-trick pony, remember?"

Todoroki's eyes widened as he realized what move [y/n] was about to do, "You'll burn yourself again if you do that, [y/n]...! You know that."

"You forgot one thing, Todoroki..."

As the balls came directly aimed at the two of them, her wings and a sword appeared on her left side as she held the sheath and the grip.

In a flash, the balls were sliced in half as they all fell to the ground.

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