[CH. 4]: Quirk Apprehension Test Pt. 2

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"Tell me, Katsuki. What was your best record for softball throw?"

"67 meters, " he replied almost immediately with both of his hands tucked into his pockets.

"You didn't use your quirk, right?" Bakugo nods. Then, Aizawa Sensei tosses the ball and he catches it with his right hand.

"Now, step into the circle and toss the ball with the help of your quirk," the teacher points to the white circle outlined in the middle of the open area.

Following the instructions, Bakugo begins to warm up as he prepares for the throw with his quirk this time.

Now in his stance, the young man gets into position as he throws the ball.



"That is one way... to unleash more power I guess," [y/n] mumbles as she observes the hot-headed boy. Meanwhile, Izuku found himself getting nervous again.


Aizawa then shows the tracker in front of the crowd of students, "705.6 meters, looks like you all have a record to beat now."

"A-amazing..." a gush of amazement flourished within the bunch as Bakugo goes back to the crowd, acting all proud and smug.

"With all that demonstration, let us begin the Quirk Apprehension Test." Aizawa finally stated.

A series of physical tests that allowed the students to use their quirks were the standing long jump, 50-meter dash, grip strength, then the repeated sidesteps.

Izuku barely passed in almost all of the other tests, this led him to feel frustrated but at the same time motivated. He did not use his quirk during the 50-meter dash as he might risk injuring his legs and besides the fact that he was up against Bakugo, who started the dash mercilessly. [y/n], little by little, has proven her quirk as one of the most versatile ones, despite the side effects. But she gradually got used to the headache and involuntary state of drowsiness she is feeling.

It was now time for the final part of the Quirk Apprehension Test, which is the softball throw. Bakugo does not need to do it again since he was the first to do it among his classmates.


"Ochako Uraraka, you're next." He calls out the brown-haired observant girl, she then separates herself from the group.

With a mere touch of the ball, her fingertips started to glow with a pink hue for a second. She then tosses the ball far away until it has reached the skies and seemed like the object has no plans on falling downwards back to the ground. This leads to her getting an 'infinity' rating from Aizawa's tracker.

"Your quirk is amazing, Uraraka!" [y/n] remarks as Uraraka goes back to where she was before it was her turn. "Say, if your quirk has something to do with giving objects... or perhaps people an experience with zero gravity, does it apply to water, too?" [y/n] asks out of curiosity as she never saw water being manipulated by zero gravity in her life.

"Hmm, I never thought about that, [y/n]." Uraraka chuckles as she replies to an inquisitive Midoriya. "Like what if, you successfully controlled a pint of water with zero gravity... will everything be released as soon as you touch the fingertips of your hands together or will some of it dry up and evaporate?" [y/n] adds another question the brown-haired girl was not ready for.

She stutters as she tries to answer her questions one by one until [y/n]'s name was called by their teacher.

[y/n] hasn't realized how nerve-wracking it is to be in front of a pro hero and classmates full of interesting quirks, but she feels the need of beating the odds and catching up to their paces.

Getting ready in position, she starts to concentrate. Then, she empties her mind, while she feels the weight and texture along with the material of the ball. A bright white light starts to surround her dominant hand she plans to use for tossing the softball.

You can do this, [y/n]. Just don't go overboard. Control your quirk.

Control your quirk.

Control your quirk.

Control your quirk.

Over and over she chants the same three words in that sentence. Then...


"A-another infinity? That was twice in a row!" the girl in ponytail spoke again.

A series of glass-like sounds followed by [y/n]'s quirk starting to disappear as it seeps back to her body like it was absorbed by a sponge.

[y/n] feels a huge throbbing headache making its way to her temple, but she tries to pay no mind. Yet, her twin managed to know she was not feeling good.

"[y/n]! You didn't... didn't you?" Izuku gently hums as he catches [y/n] by her shoulders, trying to get her to stand properly.

"Sorry, Izu-chan... I guess you are not the only one who does not have full control of their quirk now." She flashed a faint smile as she tries to regain her posture by shaking her headache off.

Damn it... damn it!

Why aren't you working well today? Worse timing ever!

Little do her classmates, except Izuku, know that using just half of her quirk makes her sleepy with a side of a painful headache. In order to fight against that, she has to use the other half of the other quirk, 'black fog' to keep her awake. But it is too dangerous as using it longer than what she is used to, the other quirk takes over her consciousness. The worst-case scenario would be her doing something unforgivable without her knowing.

Aizawa then spoke up as he saw [y/n]'s current struggle to wake herself up by leaning against her older twin, "If this is what happens to any of you, frankly you will need a lot more practice, training, and endurance."


Finally, it was Izuku's turn. [y/n] was curious enough to what his quirk is, whether he would be able to give his best shot and whether he would be able to control his quirk without hurting himself.

A gust of wind surrounds Izuku's side as he tries to manifest his quirk into his right arm, ready to toss the softball.

As he was on the action of throwing the ball, his quirk suddenly stops working to his dismay. Confused, he looked at Aizawa, who now activated his quirk 'Erasure'.

He then warned Izuku if he ever hurts himself, it won't be guaranteed that the infirmary would always open their doors for him. And so, with his second attempt, he managed to concentrate all his quirk to the finger with the last physical contact to the ball. The object was then sent high upwards almost at a sonic speed that a ring of air was visible after the throw.

[y/n]'s jaw almost dropped. That gust of wind was powerful, I even felt it slap my face for a moment. If he manages to control his quirk early on, he might be one of the strongest in our class.

A power-type quirk, huh? It was almost like-

Her thoughts were interrupted as Bakugo charges Izuku, now petrified at the approaching chaos before him while eyeing on his classmates. A set of strong fabric then wraps around Bakugo, immobilizing him and preventing him from causing more trouble. "You guys can settle this later, if you may. And please, stop making me use my quirk, I have dry eyes." Aizawa complains and shrugs his shoulders as he tells the class to gather around as he will be showing the ranks from the test earlier.

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