[CH. 7]: Battle Training Pt. 1

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The second day of classes started with English class with Present Mic, to which almost everyone in Class 1-A finds it boring and normal despite their teacher's loud voice, except for Izuku who diligently paid attention while [y/n] beside him is so close to losing against sleep.

With the rest of the morning consisted of tired and yawning sounds, it all disappeared during lunch break at the cafeteria. In there, they met Cook Hero: Lunch Rush. They then enjoyed the top-notch food given to them despite how cheap the price was.

The afternoon classes came at the ring of the school bells.

It was time for Hero Basic Training.

"He's here!" Izuku exclaimed as he heard footsteps nearing the class.

"I have...!" declared a tall muscular man with blond hair at the entrance of the classroom.

"... normally come through the door!" All Might stood proud and smiled at the class as he poses by the door.

The chattering between the students starts to occupy the four corners of the classroom as he enters, "It's All Might... incredible! He's really going to teach us!"

Izuku adds another commentary, "That's his Silver Age Costume! He's so different than the rest of us... I'm getting goosebumps!".

[y/n] stayed silent but wide-eyed as she sees the pro hero in front of her for the first time.

Don't expect too much, idiots, it's his first time teaching. [y/n] thought.

He does look like he is looking forward to teaching though, I'm giving him props for that.

He marches forward towards the front of the class and stroke a pose, showing off his build, "Basic Hero Training...!"

"The class that'll put through all sorts of special training to mold you into heroes!" with that, he finished his statement, then later added, "It also gives a ton of credits, too."

He stood up and grabbed something from his back pocket, and showed it to the class, it was a card, with capitalized words 'BATTLE', printed in a fancy font. "No time to dally, today's activity is this...!"

"Battle Training!"

Afterward, he grabbed something again, but this time, it looked like a controller. At the push of a button, rumbling sounds were heard from a particular wall in the classroom, showcasing different briefcases with numbers highlighted in each. "In accordance with the Quirk Registry and the Special Request forms you filled out before being admitted..."

"Costumes..! Yeah!" The entire class was hyped up and excited, ready to jump into their outfits.

Amidst all the shouting, All Might breaks through, "After you change, come out in ranking order to Ground Beta!!"

"Looking good is very important ladies and gentlemen. Look alive now!! Because from today on..."

"...you are all heroes!"


[y/n] was one of the few who changed their costume last, aside from Izuku. Not that she does not care about her costume ( www.pinterest.com/pin/642325965577750541/ ), but she prioritizes function and comfort over fashion. Her main motif was black and white, with respect to the two halves of her quirks to match the theme. She was quite happy that the support company actually complied with her actual request which was, ' Make me look innocent and weak as much as possible... that will let my opponents think they have the chance to win and that will make them put their guard down on me.' It was also a good thing that regardless of her long sleeves, her quirk can still pass through the clothes with no problem.

Now, everyone in the class is proceeding proudly to Ground Beta with their costumes on. [y/n] was amazed at the others' costume designs, she remarked some of them were clever and fitting to their quirks.

They really placed a lot of thought into their costumes, so admirable.

She sees Izuku catching up wearing a green jumpsuit with a matching helmet of the same shade of green with two pointy leaf-like... thingies sticking at the front. She was sure he was paying homage to All Might with his outfit, but she did not bother mentioning it.

Everyone in Class 1-A is gathered at the Ground Beta, preparing for the Basic Hero Training.

All Might stood in front of them all as the class is about to start.

"Now, shall we begin, my wards?"

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