[CH. 33]: Hero Names Pt. 1

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As [y/n] walked to school with an unenthusiastic look on her face, some people shared glances as they stared at her while they whispered to each other. "Hey... wasn't that her...?" 

"I think it's her...!"

Then a young couple happened to come across her, and one of them exclaimed, "Oh, you were that first year at the UA Sports Festival, right??"

Taken aback by the sudden attention, she nervously replied as her eyes widened while she switched to her smiling expression in a flash, "Y-yeah..." 

"Can we take a picture with you??" 

She blinked twice as she sweatdropped, "Uhm... sure."

At the click of the shutter button, the couple thanked her and went along their way.

She then thought with a small smile on her face,

That's UA for ya, I guess...

This is bad...

Suddenly, it rained as the clouds started to color themselves to the shade of dark gray as it occupies the lonely sky. She then went to the nearest shade possible to search for her folding umbrella in her bag, luckily, she found it.

But, "It must have been crushed by my books," it was broken. She then contemplates whether to use her bag as a make-shift cover or to use her hardening liquid as an improvised umbrella, but the school is still several blocks away.

She then glanced around to see if there were any convenience stores that were open during the hour. She found none in dismay. As she was about to call on her phone for help, "You can have mine." An old lady offered her umbrella to her.

[y/n] then turned to face her, wide-eyed as she started to refuse, "But ma'am, what about you?" 

The said lady smiled with a chuckle, "Don't worry, my child. I always carry an extra." the lady then showed her another umbrella in her plastic bag full of groceries.

[y/n] looked at the shape of the umbrella, then to the old lady, "I can... really have it? Wait, can I have your contact details so I can text you when I'll return the umbrella, ma'am?" 

She pulled out her phone and the old lady shook her head, "No need, young girl. I can tell that you really need it."

The lady then looked up to the sky, "Besides, you have so much more to live than I do."

As [y/n] waved goodbye, leaving the shade with the borrowed umbrella, the old lady whispered to herself,

"You grew up well, [y/n]-sama."


As she arrived at the shoe locker sections, she gently placed the umbrella on the racks. After which, she headed to her shoe locker as she took her shoes off and wiped them dry. She then slipped onto her school shoes and headed to the classroom.

She stopped in her tracks, a sudden thought came to her mind,

Oh yeah... Today is when we'll get the scouting reports... I totally forgot until now...!

She then rushed to her classroom, and a commotion among her classmates greeted her.

Everyone was sharing their part of their walk to school as most of all the passersby recognized them thanks to the sports festival.

Jirou commented on her seat as she casually scrolls on her phone, "One little event, and suddenly the world's got an eye on us."

Denki replies, "That's UA for ya."

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