[BK. 2 CH. 13]: Reason for a Rendezvous

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"... How about... all of you... will take on me?" Mirio says as he looked at the students of Class 1-A.

An awkward pause came until a union of confused 'huh?!'s erupted in the class. Needless to say, [y/n] thinks it's impossible to defeat an upperclassman considering he has more experience in combat. Chances are they'd get all of their asses beat within seconds. She could imagine all of them, except Bakugo who is still... grounded until tomorrow, will be on the ground clutching their bodies for dear life as Mirio stood victorious.

The thought of Bakugo missing this opportunity made her chuckle in silence. She thinks it'll hurt his pride not being able to take on someone who is statistically more prepared than him. This is an opportunity to get some bragging rights, she thinks. If she were to land a hit on her upperclassman with the help of everyone else, of course.

Izuku, on the other hand, noticed his twin sister's small smile that crept up on her face with a lame attempt to cover it up with her palm. On who's sane mind would it be a good idea to fight against someone suspicious? He thinks there must be some twist to Mirio's offer, considering he just babbled about having a grim-looking future ahead. Who the hell laughs while saying such a thing about the future? Maybe that was meant for the upending doom approaching the class, and not for the Big Three.

This is not a good idea, he thinks. But considering this is also another experience they may not get the second time, Izuku was swayed by such a chance.

"I think it would make the most sense that they get to experience and witness it themselves, eh, Eraser? What do you say?" Mirio spoke up once more as if he sensed the class' doubts about the Big Three's capabilities. He thinks that due to the current events and the class' strong involvement in the incidents, they may have overestimated themselves. There's nothing wrong with putting them back to their rightful place, right?

With a few seconds to spare, Aizawa approves as he tells the class to change into their gym uniforms and proceed to the Gamma Gymnasium.

"Are you sure you'll be alright, [y/n]?" Izuku immediately makes his way to her as he pats her back while all of them went out of the classroom. He noticed her tiresome expressions earlier, and her occasionally giving her head a massage with her knuckles. He knows how impulsive his sister is, but he trusts that she knows what she's doing. What happened during the sleepover? His trust starts to waver a bit, but he knows people deserve second chances, and those chances shall never fall short on someone like his sister, out of all the people.

Even he noticed Todoroki's growing concern towards [y/n], as if it was like a telepathic message. Todoroki nodded as soon as their eyes met. It was like a mutual code, no words were needed as they both understood that something was up, and it was not something they cannot overlook.

They finally arrived in their locker rooms. Todoroki finally spoke after taking his time to talk to Izuku privately while everyone was busy amongst themselves, talking about the Big Three, especially about Mirio.

"Could you talk her out of it?" Todoroki asks as he takes off his shirt without looking at the green-haired boy beside him who begins to unbutton his blazer. "Something... just doesn't feel right. I know it's not my business, but I'm concerned. I know you are as worried as I am, Izuku."

"I'll try, but I won't force her to. Thank you, Todoroki." a quick response was enough for the taller male to understand.


"Okay, so here's the plan," Izuku whispers on [y/n]'s ear as everyone in the class makes their way to the Gymnasium, "I'll be the one in front while you stay back and use your hardening liquid as the shield for any attacks and —"

"Izu, if this is because you think I can't handle a punch," [y/n] sighs as she pats his shoulder, "I can take it. Don't worry about me, Izu. I'm also strong, you know? Rely on me for once."

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