Chapter 4

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I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on, setting a five-minute timer on my phone before the water turns cold. I undress and climb into the shower which feels so nice. I let it run down my back not caring its stinging my cuts and relax a little. I grab a strawberry shampoo and start lathering it in my hair. I wash it out and put a small amount of conditioner in before washing and getting out just as my timer goes off. Phew! That was close! I dry myself before changing into joggers and a baggy jumper then dry my hair using the towel and walk out with it still a bit wet but I don't care. "That was quick. Everything okay?" Lizzie asks and it feels as if she actually cares about me. I ask her if I have a time limit and she just looks at me confused. "A time limit. What for?" She asks "You know the amount of time I can have before you turn the water cold," I say and shrug walking off to explore the rest of her house.

After I look around I sit next to Scarlett and Lizzie on the sofa. "So madam... wanna tell me a bit about yourself?" Scarlett asks me and I must have been staring at her because she laughs a little and says "You know like... what's your favourite colour?" Why does she want to know? Nobody cares about me... Right? "It's r-red," I say still slightly confused about why she wants to know. "Red huh?" She nudges Lizzie and I guess that's Lizzie's favourite colour too. Before I can ask Chris walks in. "Hey girls!" He chirps happily before walking into the kitchen to get some breakfast. "So Roxie do you want to go shopping after lunch?" Lizzie asks me. Shopping? I'm not allowed to choose my own clothes. "Shopping?" I ask and she nods "You know go to a mall and buy clothes, shoes and things like that" Lizzie says excitedly. "I'm allowed to get my own clothes?" I ask her and she nods excitedly.

I ask Roxie if she wants to go shopping and she asks me if she is allowed her own clothes! What teenage girl has never had her own clothes before? I nod excitedly as I can't wait for her to get her own wardrobe. "I can't go because if Mr Richard finds out he'll hurt...." Roxie says before slapping her hand over her mouth and rushing off to her bedroom locking the door. Scar looks at me "He hurt her?" I nod before standing up. "Liz doesn't... just give her a bit of space," Scar says grabbing my hand. Space?! My girl is upset I can't give her space I need to give her hugs! I get out of Scar's grip "I'm just going to ask her if she's okay" I say before going and knocking on Roxie's door. I hear her crying and it breaks my heart. "Roxie? Can I please come in?" I ask as gently as I can. "No, go away!" Roxie shouts back. I sigh not knowing what to do but I decide to knock again. "Roxie honey, I know you're upset but I want to help you. Okay? I would never hurt you. Ever!" I say and it must have worked because she opens the door and throws herself at me sobbing onto my shoulder. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around me so I walk over to the bed and sit down. I go to take her legs off from around my waist but she won't let me so I just sit her straddled on my lap whilst she sobs. I hold her close trying to help her calm down and eventually I hear her sobs start to slow down. "Roxie?" I say gently "Can you look at me?" she shakes her head and keeps her face buried in my neck. I don't pressure her and just keep cuddling her. Scar appears in the doorway and smiles at me before sticking her thumb up and mouthing 'good job Liz'. I can't help but smile to myself as she walks away. I never want to let this girl go. Ever. She's mine and I'm going to keep her... What if I do keep her!?She's in the foster system so I could adopt her! She's only known me for about two weeks but I don't care I can't let her go back to that place. I decide to ask Scar when Roxie calms down. I start rubbing Roxie's back slowly and she snuggles in close to me. I gently rock her and feel her fall asleep. I carefully lie down on her bed with her still in my arms and pull the covers over both of us. We stay like this for an hour before she starts to stir awake. 

I slap my hands over my mouth knowing that I've said too much! Not only have I said that Mr Richard hurts me but I also told them his name. I'm so screwed! I run off back to the spare bedroom and lock the door when I hear Lizzie following me. I start to panic knowing that Mr Richard is going to kill me. Literally! He said if one of us ever told somebody about him he would kill us and he has a gun! He wasn't joking. I start to cry but try to hide it when Lizzie knocks on my door. I tell her to go away but then she says something that makes my heart stop for a second "I would never hurt you. Ever!" I opened my door and just threw myself at her. I was so lucky to have her as a friend. I just hold onto her and she carries me into the bedroom and tries to take me off her but if I let go then she might try and talk to me. I keep a tight hold on her not wanting to let go at all. She starts to soothe me and I start to get control of my crying. "Roxie, can you look at me?" Lizzie asks gently but I don't want to speak right now. She doesn't ask me again which I'm grateful for but she does rub my back slowly which feels nice. I start feeling tired from all the crying and snuggle into Lizzie more and feel my eyes start to close. For once I don't try to keep myself awake but I allow myself to drift off. 

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