Chapter 18

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I'm lying on the sofa with a broken arm, broken finger, a dislocated knee, and a concussion. I hate not being able to move and having to sit still. Lizzie said she won't leave my side which is nice to know someone cares. Scarlett walks in and comes over to me looking worried. "Are you okay honey?" she asks and I nod. "Can you sign my cast?" I ask and she laughs and grabs a pen before signing 'Scarlett xxx' and passing the pen to Lizzie who writes 'Lizzie xx'. You laugh and Scarlett sits next to us. "Okay, so what we are gonna do is watch an endless amount of movies and eat lots of treats!" I sigh and rest my head on Lizzie's shoulder. "What's wrong baby?" I shrug. "I don't want to just sit here though!! I want to do things. Please can we go back to set? I want to see the others so they know I'm okay" I say really hoping that they say yes so I have something to do. "I don't know Roxie... It's just the doctor told you to rest" Lizzie says but Scarlett passes me a crutch "Use this and then I'll put my arm around you" Scarlett tells me and helps me stand up. "Scar I don't think this is a good idea," Lizzie says but Scarlett smiles. "Would you rather have her go to set and have some fun or have a really mardy teenager for about three weeks?" Lizzie laughs a little and stands up too. "Okay but if you get tired or are in pain then you tell me okay?" she says and I nod as they take me to the car.

After driving for about half an hour we get back to set and Chris E, Anthony, and Sebastian rush up to us all. "Are you okay?" Chris asks me and I nod. I can tell he's mad at himself. "It isn't your fault Chris. I got my leg stuck" I tell him hugging him whilst grabbing my crutch with my good arm. Lizzie puts her arm around my waist and helps me over to the seats. "You can use your wheelchair baby," Lizzie tells me but that's the last thing I want to do. I just feel so embarrassed if I have to use the wheelchair. "No thanks, I'd rather have you help me than have to use that," I tell her and Lizzie laughs helping me sit on a chair that says her name on it. "Can you please get me Marley?" "Are you sure? I don't think you'll be able to hold her." Lizzie says but I shake my head. "Please let me cuddle her Lizzie!" I beg because I just need someone who won't ask me questions all the time.

They film some things for about an hour and Marley lays in my arms asleep. I end up falling asleep too because the next thing I know I'm on the sofa at Lizzie's home cuddled up to someone who I'm guessing is Lizzie. I move a little bit but catch my knee. "F*ck!" I shout out and sit up. "What happened?" Lizzie asks helping me off her. "I caught my knee on the sofa," I tell her hoping she isn't mad at me for swearing. "Well I understand that would have hurt but you need to watch your language missy!" she teases. "If you weren't broken right now I'd tickle you" Lizzie adds making me laugh. "What do you want to do honey?" she asks me and I shrug. "What time is it?" I ask and Lizzie tells me that it's half five. "We could cook something" I suggest as cooking helps me calm down. "Baby with all due respect you can't stand and you can't move your arm. You can't cook" I sigh knowing she's right. "Well maybe I could tell you what to do and then you cook?" I ask and she smiles. "How about we order take-out and then watch a movie so you don't have to leave this sofa," Lizzie says and I groan. "Nooo please, I need to move!!" I say smiling. "Nuh uh missy. You stay on this sofa all day unless you need the bathroom and then you sleep in bed. That's it. No moving all day!" She says and orders a pizza whilst we watch this movie called 'Wonder'. It's really good and I can't help but crying at the cute ending which makes Lizzie laugh. "Hey don't be mean to me! I'm sensitive over movies, okay?" I tell her trying to sound mad. "Hold on... where's Marley?" I ask looking around and seeing she isn't in here. "Scar took her to the zoo with Rose. They'll be back at around seven" Lizzie says and I can't help feeling a little jealous that Marley gets to go out with Scar and I have to sit on this stupid comfy sofa. "We can go when you aren't hurt," Lizzie says reading the look all over my face. I nod and she gets up as someone knocks on the door. Lizzie comes back in with our pizza and we eat it before I lie down resting on Lizzie. "You can sleep if you want," she tells me but I shake my head. "Why not?" she asks. "Because if I sleep now then I won't get to sleep later," I tell her and she nods. "Well how about we watch one more movie and we can go to sleep," she says and I agree. We watch the lion king but I must feel my eyes starting to get really heavy. I pull a blanket over me and snuggle up into Lizzie.

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