B2- Chapter 13

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Lizzie's pov:
Yesterday was pretty bad. Rox was over-emotional yesterday because she didn't feel well and she refused to eat and drink much even though it would make her feel worse. Charly was in a really bad mood because we were focusing on Roxie so she argued against everything we asked her to do and threw a record amount of fits over the smallest things like the way her chocolate frog looked when it came out the wrapping.

Anyway I've just woken up to Charly hitting my shoulder so I'm carrying her down the stairs when my phone pings. It should be Roxie's PCR results. "You hop onto the sofa honey I'll pop some TV on for you in a minute" I say yawning. Charly runs over to the sofa and climbs up as I grab the TV remote and turn CBeebies on for her. I look at the time when I pick up my phone and cry on the inside. It's half past seven! No wonder I'm so shattered. I knew parenting two kids wouldn't be easy but goodness yesterday was the worst day in a very very long time! "Okay one... two... three" I mumble to myself clicking on the text message. I scan the message and see 'Roxanne Olsen has tested positive for Covid-19' and my heart sinks. "Fuck" I mumble under my breath. Why Roxie!? She's going to go crazy if she cant hug us for two weeks! Her mental health will dip like it already has and she might start closing herself off again. We'll go back to square one. What if she has a nightmare and I cant comfort her!? Oh god this is so bad. What if she gets sick but I cant hold her and make her feel safe? I think about more and more bad thoughts and feel my chest get tighter. I cant have a panic attack with Charly around. No I don't want her seeing that. Okay just calm down Elizabeth! I open the window and get some fresh air as Charly waddles into the kitchen. "Mummy" she says lifting her arms up. "Hey baby" I say picking her up and placing her on my hip. "What's up?" I ask her. "Cuddles" she whispers wrapping her tiny legs around my waist. "You want cuddles?" she nods so I head over to the living room, grab a blanket and lie on the sofa with her on my chest. I wrap the blanket around us both and fall asleep watching some random kids show.

Flo's pov:
I wake up and see that Liz's gone so I'm guessing she got up with Lott. I yawn and grab my dressing gown, tie it tightly around myself and head down stairs. I hear the TV playing a kids show but when I walk into the living room I see Liz and Lott asleep cuddling each other. Lott is on top of Liz sucking her thumb and Liz has both arms wrapped around Lott protectively. I mute the TV so it doesn't wake either of them and walk into the kitchen. Liz's phone is very close to the edge of the counter so I move it and as I do it unlocks. I look at the message that is on the screen and sigh as I see that Rox has Covid. That poor thing. She can never get a break! I grab a bowl out of the dishwasher and pour myself some cornflakes with milk and sugar and sit down at the breakfast bar. Poor Roxie. I know she felt so ill yesterday but I was expecting the flu not Covid. I eat my cereal, clean the bowl and head to the living room. Lott is awake and looking at the TV. "Aw you're awake. Come here sleepy" I say carefully lifting Lott of Liz's chest. I carry her to the kitchen and sit her on the counter. "Do you want brekkie?" I ask her and she nods a little yawning. "You want the same as momma had?" I ask her and she nods. I pour her a small bowl of cereal in her new plastic bowls and sit her in the highchair. "You want to feed yourself or shall momma do it?" I ask her. "Momma" she mumbles sleepily. I feed her the cereal and then take her up to her bedroom so we can play and let Lizzie sleep.

We play for a while until Liz walks into the room and sits on Lott's bed. "I'm so tired" she says to me yawning again. "Go back to bed then. Sleep you need it" I say to her looking at her. She looks very tired. "No I need to make sure Rox is okay when she wakes up" she mumbles. "I cant do that. I'm her momma" I say. "I know you are but-" she starts. "Elizabeth Olsen, you get in our bed and sleep right now!" I say sternly to her. "You full-named me" she mumbles standing up. "Yes I did and I'll do it again if you don't get that ass of yours in bed" I say. She rolls her eyes and smiles as she walks out the bedroom to go to bed. "Momma pway wiv da gurl" Lott says passing me a baby doll. "She cwy so you have feed her" she adds on. "Okay I'll feed her" I say grabbing a little bottle for her. I feed the baby whilst Lott makes another baby try and steal the bottle. "You cant do that whilst feeding a baby" I tell her but she just giggles and makes the baby steal the bottle. "Get back with my bottle" I make the doll say in a squeaky voice. Lott giggles and makes the doll run away. We play like this for about an hour when I hear Roxie walking around. "Lott can you stay here?" I ask her and she nods continuing to play with the dolls on the floor whilst I grab a mask and head to Rox's bedroom. I knock on the door and when I open it I see Rox looking very pale in a sports bra on top of the covers. She's very sweaty and I cant tell if she's had a nightmare or it's just her fever. "Oh honey you don't look very well at all!" I say to her. 

Hope everyone is okay! I started writing a few ideas down for another story and my favourite is this:
It's an Avengers one not Lizzie or Scarlett, so the main character is from Spain and their village is being attacked by goblin/alien things. The Avengers come to help fight them and Wanda finds the main character and takes them back to the tower with her.

It's better than that description i promise 😂😭

Word count- 1137

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you all deserve it!
I love you all 3000 ❤

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