Chapter 42

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I really want a shower or bath but I'm too embarrassed. I know Lizzie is my mum now but still.... I really want a shower. "You do stink" mum adds. I laugh and shove at her. "That's rude!" I say. "You don't have to be embarrassed if you want a shower. Maybe you could have a bath so once you're in everything is covered by warm bubbles" Lizzie says and I think about it. That would make the most sense except... "What about my cast. I cant get it wet" I say. "Carrier bag. We can wrap the cast and then you can lift it out the water as much as possible" she says standing up and going to the kitchen. She comes back with a carrier bag and ties it around my cast. "Thanks" I laugh and she helps me up. I'm not too great using these crutches yet so as we turn the corner I catch the crutch and Lizzie only just catches me. "I got ya" she says wrapping both arms around me as we go to the bathroom. She sits me on the toilet lid and grabs me a towel and some pjs. "Lizzie you really don't have to do this" I tell her as she kneels down and starts running a bath. "I know but I want to. You're my daughter, you're hurt and you need something and as your mother I need to make sure everything you want and need it sorted. Plus as I said, you stink" she says making me laugh again. She adds some strawberry bubble bath and then turns the taps of. "Is this warm enough for you?" she asks helping my reach over and dunk my arm in. "Yeah that's really nice actually" I say. "Then lets get you in!" she says. "How are we going to do this?" I ask. "However you like" she says. "I can close my eyes or turn around or you could use the towel" she says. I stare at the floor trying to think of a way to do this. I'm so embarrassed of my body I don't want her to see it. "Honey if you're feeling self-conscious you shouldn't. You're so beautiful!" she tells me but I shake my head. "I'm not and if you saw my body you'd understand" I tell her.

I don't understand how Rox can hate her body. I know its normal to have insecurities but Roxie really is so beautiful. She has a tanned body with lovely eyes and hair and she's just gorgeous! "Honey if you don't want to do this it's fine. We can google other ways and find something to do" I tell her as I can tell this is stressing her out. "I thought you said I stink" she says smiling at me. "You do but I can buy a peg" I say making her laugh again. Her laugh is the best sound ever I love it so much!! "I want to bathe because I feel dirty" she tells me. "Okay how do you want to get into the tub?" I ask her. "Maybe you could turn around and then I get changed and then maybe you take my hand with your eyes closed?" she asks. "Okay that's fine. You want to try that?" I ask and she nods. I turn around and face the door. I hear her hopping around. "Are you okay?" I ask her still facing the door. "I cant get it off!!" she grunts. "Can I turn around and help?" I ask. "Okay" she says I turn around and see her with her joggers halfway down the cast. "Come here" I say helping her sit back on the toilet lid. I get the joggers off and turn back around. I hear her drop her clothes to the floor "Okay Lizzie can you help now please?" she asks me. "Of course I can" I say turning around. She has the towel wrapped around her. I put my arm around her waist "Okay you put all your weight on me okay? You're going to put your good leg in the water and lean back on me as much as you can okay? Once you get your good leg in we can get you in a comfy position" I tell her and she nods. She's about to go in the water but she turns to me "When do I drop the towel?" she asks looking nervous. I don't understand why she's so worried about her body. "Whenever you feel comfortable. If it gets wet we can get you a new one" I tell her and she nods.

We have a plan of how I'm going to get in the bath. I do as she says and I'm too busy thinking about when to drop the towel I forget to actually get in the tub. I feel Lizzie lift me up and place me gently in. "I'll turn around and you pass me the towel, sit down and then tell me and I'll help you position your leg" she tells me. She turns around and I pass her the towel before lowering myself down trying as hard as I can to keep my leg out the water. "Okay I'm in" I say and she turns back around. "Good girl" she says. "Now then you tell me which is the most comfortable" she says moving my leg into certain positions. "Okay the second one was the comfiest" I tell her and she nods. "Okay are we washing you hair or do you just want to relax?" she asks me. "I want to wash my hair I think" I tell her and she nods and kneels down. "But I mean I've never had a bath before so I'm not very relaxed" I tell her. "You've never had a bath!?" she asks me sounding shocked. "Nope. I wasn't allowed. We only got like five minute showers before it turned cold and I don't think you can run a bath in five minutes so it's pretty useless to try" I tell her. "Well then I have to make this the best first bath anybody has ever had!" she tells me with a smile. "Oh yeah?" I ask and she nods. "This strawberry thing smells so good!" I tell her as I lift some bubbles up to my nose. She moves my hand and I get bubbles on my face. "Oh you're dead!" I say throwing some bubbles at her. "Try not to move too much!" Lizzie says as she tries to move out the way of the bubbles I'm throwing at her. It's a really relaxing bath and Lizzie washes my hair for me. I'm not too relaxed for that part but she puts her hand on the top of my head stopping all the water going into my eyes. "All done!" she says washing her hands in the water before drying them on my towel. "How do you want to get out?" she asks me. "Maybe I just stand up" I mumble. I see her smile a little "You don't care that I'll see your body?" she says. "Well yeah but I guess that maybe if you see it and you say it isn't bad then maybe I might maybe believe you" I mumble. "Well that's a lot of maybes!" she says making me laugh a little. "Come here then" she says.

Rox has just said that she doesn't care if I see her body. I know it's a small thing but I'm happy we've made some progress. I grab her towel and hold it up and I lift her out. Her body has cuts and bruises and scars all over it. I wrap the towel around her and hold her close. "You're so brave!" I tell her rocking her slowly. "I am?" she asks. "Yes you are! You were scared about something and you did it anyway. Plus your body is to die for! You're so gorgeous honey!" I tell her. I see her smile a little and I hold her close again. "I put your pjs on the side next to the sink" I tell her turning to face the door. "Was it bad?" she asks me. "Was what bad?" I ask still facing the door. "Nothing" she mumbles. I hear her getting ready but I also hear quiet sobs. After I know she's dressed I turn around and see her eyes filled with tears. "Hey hey what's wrong?" I ask sitting on the toilet lid and pulling her onto my lap. "My body is disgusting. I'm always sick when I look in the mirror. I'm too skinny and I'm disgusting" she says burying her head in my shoulder. "Don't be silly" I tell her. "Everyone has insecurities" I tell her. "Well my whole body is one!" she says crying more. "It doesn't help that people have to be dicks about it online either" she tells me. "Language" I say poking her side a little. She laughs a little "In all serious Roxie I don't think there is anything wrong with your body. It's so beautiful" I say and she shakes her head. "Nuh uh you don't get to disagree with me on this" she tells me. I can see her thinking maybe overthinking so I decide to take her mind of it. "Come on you. Let's watch a movie" I tell her. She goes to grab her crutches but I just pick her up. She's so light anyway it isn't even hard to carry her. She laughs a little "I feel like a baby" she says. "You are my baby" I tell her "And I love you so much" I add. She hugs me tightly "I love you too mum" she mumbles into my ear.


Word count- 1638 

I hope you all had a lovely xmas (if you celebrate it) and i hope you like this part. I made it longer than usual as i didnt post yesterday. 

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