B2- Chapter 18

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Lizzie's pov:

We arrive at the store and Rox takes Sparky to the little grassy bay so he can go to the toilet whilst me and Flo try and persuade a hangry toddler to sit in the stroller. "Come on if you go in the stroller we can go and get your lunch faster and then play games!" Flo says trying to encourage her. "No wan pway games wan walk" she whines. "Okay well if you promise to hold momma or mummies hand then you can walk" I say to her crouching down. "No wan hold hand" she answers crossing her arms. "Lottie please honey. If you don't go in you'll have to stay out here" Flo says. "Wan tweeties" she says stomping her foot. "If you want sweeties you'll need to go in a choose them" I say to her. "Wan hold momma hand" she says running to Flo who lifts her up and kisses Charly's face. "Come on then trouble" I call over to Roxie who walks over to us with Sparky. "I don't want to leave him here by himself" she says looking sadly at Sparky. "He'll be fine out here sweetie" I say wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I know but just look at that face!" she says ruffling Sparkys face. I chuckle as we head inside leaving the stroller with the dog. Me, Flo and Rox put out face masks on and head inside. "Welcome ladies!" the man at the till says smiling at us. "Hi Benny" Flo says. I didn't know she knew his name. "You here for more cooking stuff? You know how much my kids love it" Benny says. "Not this time but me and Rox are doing one tomorrow aren't we?" she says to Rox who nods a little. "Good good it means I can have a break!" Benny jokes as we head off down an isle. "I didn't know you knew him" I say to Flo. "Well I've come here lots so I thought I might as well make friends" Flo says shoving a box of cereal in the basket we collected. "Okay Lottie come here" Flo says taking her hand. "You cant touch anything because then we'll have to buy it" Flo explains to her. "I wan dat" Charly says pointing to a doll. "Not today baby but if you're good we can come back on Friday and get it as a treat" Flo says to her. "Wan now" Charly whines. "If I touch we buy?" she asks. I immediately know what she's about to do so lift her up. "Okay as clever as that is missy we aren't getting you the dolly today" I say she giggles and rests her head on my shoulder.

We go around the mini store collecting the items we need and a few extra naughty snacks and then pay. "Have a nice day you four. Stay safe" Benny says waving as we leave. "Bye" we say heading outside. We take out masks off, Rox gets Sparky whilst Flo grabs the stroller. I'm holding Charly so we stick the bags in the stroller so we don't have to carry them. "Wan sissy" Charly says randomly as we cross over the road. "You have a sister!" I say to her as we head inside the house. "Wan nover sissy" she says. "Nope. No more babies!" Flo says chucking the bags in the kitchen. "Pweaseeee" Charly whines. "Nope! You're too cheeky" Flo jokes tickling Charly. I take our shoes off and then we all head to the living room to play a game of snakes and ladders. "But wan baby" Charly says again as we sit down. "You're a baby" Rox says placing Charly on her lap. "Wan nover baby. No just me" she answers. "We cant have another baby" Flo says sitting on the sofa. "Why!?" Charly asks kicking at the table. "Because it doesn't work like that honey" I say to her. "But I wan one" she whines. "I wants never get" Rox tells her. "Now do you want to be my partner or their partner?" Rox asks Charly shutting down the conversation. I mean personally I'd love another baby but Flo clearly doesn't like the idea and from the sounds of things neither does Rox.

Rox's pov:
We're about half way through the game of snakes and ladders and me and Lottie are against momma and mum. "Move us four spots Lottie" I say pointing to where she has to move. It's on a snake so we have to go down it. I move the piece all the way down and it's a long snake so we're practically at the bottom. "Noooo!" Lottie whines hitting at the board. "No don't do that honey" mum tells her but she keeps hitting at it. "Lottie look if we get a six we'll go up that big big ladder there" I say pointing to one. "Big?" she asks and I nod. "It's gonna take us all the way up there" I tell her showing where it would lead us. "Oh dat good?" she asks again and I nod. "It's very good. It would mean we'd beat those two!" I say pointing to momma and mum. "Yeah we beat dem!" Lottie says giggling sitting back in my lap. "Yeah come on then let's roll a six!" I say to her handing her the dice. She shakes it and throws it on the floor. It spins for a moment before landing on a three. "Oh dear we have to go down.... Here" I say pushing the piece down a snake leading us to square number two. "Dat no fair!" Lottie shouts throwing the dice at the board knocking our pieces over. "Lottie!" me and momma say. "We'll someone isn't a very good sport" mum says pulling a crying Lottie from my lap onto hers. "Why don't we leave Rox and you play with mummy? I'm winning now" she says. I know she's joking but for some reason when mum said 'leave Rox' it triggered some strange memory of me being ditched by my foster family leaving me with Him. "Honey?? It's your turn" momma says stroking my arm. I flinch at her touch and I see the worried look on her and mums face as I haven't flinched at anything in a while. "Okay where's the dice?" I ask. Lottie passes it to me and we keep playing as if nothing has happened even though I know as soon as this game ends I'm going to get a comfort lecture where mum tells me that I can 'speak to her about anything at any time' and how she's 'always going to be there for me'. I know she's trying to be nice but it's starting to get annoying. Her nice words don't take away the trauma of my childhood. The beatings I got for no reason, the verbal abuse I got because He was bored, the teasing of his friends and the hate I got.

"We won!" mum says lifting Lottie in the air triumphantly making her squeal and giggle. I help momma clear up and then head off to my bedroom to watch some Tiktok. Whilst scrolling through I see a Wanda Maximoff edit that's pretty good. I'll try and remember to show mum that as she likes seeing edits of her characters. I hear a knock on my door and prepare myself for a lecture. "Come in" I say sitting up in bed. "Hey baby" mum says sitting down on the bed. "What do you need?" I ask trying to seem happy. "Just to talk with my baby" she says. "Okay. What about?" I ask placing my phone on the bed. "I'm not sure. What's on your mind?" she asks rubbing my leg. I flinch again as I've been thinking about Him. "Oh honey. Are you having nightmares again?" she asks me. "No I'm not having nightmares!" I snap at her. "Okay that's good" she answers calmly. "I just have trauma" I mumble. "I know and that's why I'm checking on you baby" she says hugging me. "Well I don't need you to okay? I'm fine!" I snap at her again. "Okay then. You can speak to me about whatever" she says standing up. "I think I need to sleep with you tonight" I whisper. "Sorry honey I didn't catch that" she says smiling softly at me. "I think I need to sleep with you and momma tonight" I say a little louder. "Hmm and why's that?" she asks sitting down again. "Something you said as a joke made me think of bad things and now I'm scared I'm going to have a nightmare and I get nightmare's when I'm scared and I'm scared and want to be safe with you" I ramble out. "I'll protect you from any mean nightmares" she says kissing my head. "Love you" I say to her. "You too. Momma says that lunch will be ready in ten minutes so finish up what you're doing and head down" mum tells me shutting my door softly.


Word count- 1513 

Hope everyone is okay! 
Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because ya'll deserve it! 

I love you all 3000 😘

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