Chapter 92

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After playing in the park with Rose we go back to our house and I go up to my room and shut the door. I grab my laptop and google 'Kids for adoption' and look at the profiles. I don't want a siblings yet but I know how desperate some kids get about getting adopted and finding their home because I was one of them. I'm scrolling through the long list of kids when a cute face catches my attention. I click on her profile and a sad smile appears on my face. I look down at her name and age: Ashley, age 3. She's so cute! Maybe I should show mum and Flo her profile.... I don't want to be replaced though. My thoughts are interrupted by mum. "Honey?" she says opening the door. I slam my laptop shut and stand up. "Yeah?" I stumble out. "What are you up to?" she asks crossing her arms. "Nothing" I say looking at my hands. "You're such a bad liar!" mum teases pulling me into a hug. "What's up?" I ask her. "Well... I know now probably isn't a great time but me and Flo.... We booked an appointment to see a little girl...." She starts. "What? You didn't..." I start but she puts her hand up so I stop talking. "Please let me finish honey. She's a lovely three year old girl who's parents where only teenagers so put her up for adoption. She has a few issues with behaviour which is why nobody wants her. She's called Ashley" mum says. "Ashley!? Wait is this her?" I ask scrambling to grab my laptop to show her. I get the picture up. "Is this her?" I ask mum and she nods. "Yeah that's our girl" she tells me. "Well she is cute I guess" I mumble. "We don't have to if you don't want to though. That's the important part that you have to understand. We know how insecure you get sometimes so if you'd rather not then we both understand. We can wait till you...." Mum starts but I cut her off this time. "No it's okay. I wanna see her" I say and mum smiles so big. "Yay!!" She squeals hugging me tightly. "Okay lets go now" mum says pulling me to the living room where Flo is playing with Sparky. "She wants to see her Flo" mum says. "Really!?" Flo says standing up and running to me. She lifts me up and hugs me. "I love you!" she says kissing the top of my head.

I just pulled up in the car park and I'm so nervous. Its actually happening. I already have one amazing daughter and this moment might change that. I might have two amazing daughters and one amazing girlfriend. Not to forget an over-excited German Shephard dog! "You ready?" Flo asks opening my car door. "As ready as I'll ever be!" I say getting out and walking with Rox and Flo to the double doors. We open the doors and straight away hear children laughing. "It doesn't sound awful" Rox mumble to herself and it just clicks. This must be so hard on her. This is where she grew up, not her exactly, but the same type of place. "Honey if you don't want to stay we can leave" I suggest. "No I want to see her" she tells me. "Hello welcome to Sunny Adoption Centre! How may I help you today?" a blonde woman asks from behind a desk. "I'm Lizzie Olsen we're here to meet Ashley Moons" I tell her. "Ah yes she's very excited to meet you." The lady says standing up and grabbing a clipboard. "So Ashley does have issues with biting, scratching and anger but that can be sorted with lots of cuddles! She's addicted to princesses so you'll probably be in dress up lots" the woman jokes. "She hasn't ever been adopted or fostered. She's been in here since she was three days old. She just needs a bit of love" the woman says to us as we come to a stop outside some double doors. "We can provide lots of cuddles and kisses!" Flo says. "Then let me introduce you to Ashley" the woman says pushing open the door. As soon as the door opens we hear laughter and squealing as we see kids on a playframe and ball-pool. "Ashley honey?" the woman says. "Yeah!!" Ashley says walking up to us. "This is Lizzie and Flo and their daughter Roxie. You wanna say hi in the meeting room?" the woman asks. "Sure thing!" Ashley says walking off to a pink and blue room. I sit her on a chair and we sit opposite her. "Hey Ashley...." I start but she throws herself at me and wraps her little arms and legs around me. "Please be my mummy!" she whimpers. I don't know what to say to her so Flo tucks some hair behind her ear and whispers "You look like a princess!"


Word count- 838 

Hope you're all doing well!! 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you deserve it! 

Love you all 3000 ❤

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