B2- Chapter 25

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Lizzie's pov:
I park the car in the store car park and head inside where Scar is waiting. "Hey bridey!" Scar smirks at me. "Hey" I say hugging her. "Oh I've missed you're hugs so much" she says before pulling away. "We have five minutes till my appointment I want to ask you something. I wanted to tell you at lunch but I cant wait!" I say to her. She looks at me intrigued. "I want you to be my maid of honour" I say. "You do!?" she asks me. "Of course I do! You're my best friend" I say. She pulls me into a tight hug "I would love to be your maid of honour" she says just before the woman calls us through.

The dress was perfect and I love it very much. There are only a few adjustments to make to it but other than that it was the perfect dress! "Lunch?" I ask Scar who nods. "Obviously!" she says grabbing my hand. "I need to grab Rose first. I promised her that I'd take her with us" Scar says. "If that's okay with you first" she adds on. "Of course it's alright. Are you getting her from school or is she still on the holidays like Rox?" I ask as we head to her car. "She's on her holidays but she overheard me and Colin talking about today and she felt left out" Scar chuckles starting the car. She drives to her place and we head inside. "Rosey?" Scar calls through the house. "Mum!" Rose calls back. It's silence for a minute before we hear little fast footsteps and then Rose appears. Instead of Scar she throws herself at me. I only just grab her and then kiss her head. "What are you doing Aunt Lizzie?" she asks positioning herself on my hip. "I'm here to take you for your lunch" I say smiling at her. "I get to come!? Mummy was saying about it to Colin and then she said I couldn't go. It made me sad" she explains as I put her shoes on her. Scar then gets her into her car seat and we head back to where we came from. She manages to park next to my car and then we head to a cute little café.

"Hello. How many seats do we need?" the waiter asks us as we head into the cute café. "Only three please" Scar says. "And how many menus will you need?" she asks us. "One will be fine. And a kids menu" Scar answers as Rose bounces around holding my hand. "Would it be okay if we could be further away from the windows?" Scar adds on. "I'm sure that okay! If you'd like to come this way" the waiter says leading us to a lovely little booth away from everyone else so we wont get as many photos taken of us. "Thank you very much" I say sitting down next to Rose, opposite Scar. We order our food and chat away about things we've gotten up to over lockdown. "Cosmo's such a big boy now!" Rose says as she colours in the little kids menu activity. "Yeah? Are you an amazing big sister?" I ask and she nods. "I feed him and play with him" she says. "Wow you must be a good sister if you feed and play!" I smile to her. "Want to help?" she asks handing me a crayon. We colour in a pizza together and it makes me realise how big she is now. Last time we went out for lunch she couldn't really colour inside the lines and now there are only a few corners that go out the lines. "Where's Roxie?" Rose asks. "She's at my home with her friends" I tell her. "Oh why wont she come here?" Rose asks. "She didn't want to. She loves her friends" I say as they bring our food over.

Lottie's pov:
I've just met some of momma's family and her daddy is really funny! Him and momma did lots of dancing and talked lots about cooking whilst I just played and listened. Now me and momma are going to go home. I don't really want to go home as I like it here but I really miss mummy and Rox. "Come on then trouble" momma says picking me up. She takes me to the front door and puts my shoes on. "Bye Lottie" granddad says waving bye to me and we walk out the door. "Bye dad" momma says before walking to the car. She sits me in my car seat and starts driving. "Momma I hungry" I whine looking out the window. "Are you now?" she asks. "Yes I am" I say. "Well what do you want to eat?" she asks. "Tasty food!" I tell her. "Okay and what passes as tasty food?" "Donalds!" I say making her laugh. "You want McDonalds?" she asks. "Yes" I say. "Well I guess we could stop and grab some. I'll have to ask Rox what she wants" momma says. "Yay!! Donalds!!" I squeal kicking my legs happily and staring out the window.

"Right missy let me ask Rox what she wants and then we can go inside and order" momma tells me. "I want out" I tell her. "Okay climb into the front" momma says turning around and unclipping me. I wiggle through the gap in the chairs and sit in the passenger seat next to momma. She phones Roxie and laughs once she hangs up. "What? Why you laughing?" I ask. "Well Roxie has her friends over and they all want McDonalds too!" she says getting out the car. I get out too and she takes my hand, leading me inside. Momma does all the ordering for Rox and her friends before asking me what I wanted. "Nuggies and chips!" I say jumping up and down. "Is that a happy meal?" the till person asks and I nod. "A happy meal for a happy child!" momma says making the till person laugh. We wait and wait and wait for agggges and my legs start hurting as I'm still only small so I ask momma to pick me up. She does and I snuggle into her. "How long it been?" I ask her. "Four minutes" she answers. "That agessss!" I whine. "Not really. You were in the car longer than waiting here" she says. "But my leggies hurt" I whine again. "Okay well it wont be much longer honey" momma says just as the lady calls our number. "Yay!" I cheer as momma grabs the big big bag of food. "Can you be a good girl and stay close? Momma cant hold your hand" momma says to me and I nod. I stay close as we walk across the car park and then let her clip me in without me wiggling which is new for me!!

Roxie's pov:
After ordering our long list of food and drinks for momma to buy we finish up watching the movie. "You know you guys are so spoiled when you come here" I tease as we help momma get all our food out. "Yeah you are! But it's only because we love you" momma laughs handing everyone food out. "Iz this is for you" I say. I turn around and see Iz sitting on the floor with Lott playing with the toy from her happy meal. "Iz!?" I say again and she looks up and bursts out laughing. "God you're mentally a four year old" I tease as she takes her food. "Yeah but that toy was cute" she whines sitting next to me at the table. We all eat and chat. The gang mostly ask momma questions about what its like on Marvel sets and filming Marvel and try to fish for spoilers about Hawkeye but momma is good at dodging questions so she gets around them. "So what's Yelena's relationship with Clint?" Ben asks momma who laughs. "Okay enough questions!" momma says throwing her hands in the air. "I actually do have to go but I'll message Rox a bunch of questions so she can ask you later" Ben teases standing up, hugging me and thanking momma for the food.

After about two hours everyone except Iz has gone home as she's staying the night. Her dad is bringing her some things like pjs and toothbrush but I've said we can share a hairbrush and a bed. "Okay please be good!" mum says as she's home from the fitting. "Lizzie how was the dress? Please can I see a picture of it?" Iz asks. She loves wedding dresses and practically planned her parents wedding for them so she's very excited. "I'm not showing anybody. Well except Scar and the fitter" mum says crossing her arms. "Well how am I meant to choose a dress!? What if it matches?" Iz asks desperate to see the dress. "Well it's a good job I don't mind matching. Now I'm not saying anything so no more questions" mum says smiling at Iz who playfully rolls her eyes before yattering on and on about how awful it would be if their dresses matched. "Get upstairs both of you. You're annoying me" mum says laughing. Me and Iz go to my room before collapsing on my bed and watching Tiktok together on her phone.


Word count- 1563 

Early update than usual but oh well an update is an update! 😂

Hope everyone is alright! Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep as you all deserve it!
I love you all 3000 ❤

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