B2- Chapter 17

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Lizzie's pov:
Today I get to hug my baby again! Roxie has started feeling much better over the past couple of days and has been getting grumpy and restless as she energy. Today is the end of her isolation so she can finally come out her room once she wakes up.

It's half past nine now and me and Charly are up so I'm gonna let Flo and Rox sleep in a little. I might even cook breakfast with Charly depending on her mood. She's been grumpy as she's been getting all the attention seen as we could see Rox but now we can see Rox again she's not liked the lost attention.

"Charly baby I need you to stay quiet because momma and sissy are sleeping" I tell her for the tenth time. "No mummy I pway" she says slamming around in the dolls house. "Charly if you don't keep the noise down I'll have to take you downstairs" I warn her. I've let her play in the playroom which is in between mine and Flo's room and Rox's room so we have to try and be as quiet as we can so we wont wake them. I didn't want her playing in there as it's hard for Charly to understand she has to be quiet but she said she would be so I caved and let her as she's already thrown a fit over the spoon I gave her for breakfast.

I let Charly stay in the playroom for another ten minutes but she's making so much noise I have to take her downstairs. "Honey why don't we grab some of your toys and take them to the living room? We can play down there okay?" I say to her grabbing her basket and sticking some of the toys she's playing with inside. "No!" I say shouts grabbing the doll from out the basket. "Charly stop. We need to be a quiet little mouse so we don't wake anybody up" I tell her. "No I wan pway!" I shouts again stomping her feet. "You can play just not in here okay?" I explain to her. "No mummy!" she whines. "You no tand" she says pulling the basket from my hands. "What don't I understand?" I ask crouching down to her height. "Dey no wike d'tairs" she explains in her cute little voice. "They don't like downstairs?" I ask chuckling a little. "It no funny mummy. Dey 'cared" she says. "Okay well we can protect them and show them it isn't scary" I say playing along so she goes downstairs. "No 'cared of Parky" she says making my have to hide my laughter. "Well Sparky is asleep in the kitchen so he wont come to them" I say lifting her up. "No!" she yells thrashing around. I secure her on my hip and carry her down to the living room with a collection of toys I got in the basket.

Flo's pov:
I got woken up by Lott shouting and stomping her feet. I just lie in bed staring at the ceiling. I know I should probably be helping Liz with Lott as she can be a real handful but Liz does a good job and is always calm with her so I stay in bed. Today's going to be pretty boring as we have nothing to do. We bought some games to play when Rox comes out of isolation but given Lott's mood I doubt we'll be doing that. Thinking about it Rox comes out of isolation today! Oh I cant wait to smoosh her!! I hear footsteps down the stairs and the cries fade away so Liz has taken Lott down. I open my phone and scroll through Instagram looking at random posts before getting up and changing into a track suit and heading downstairs. I enter the living room and see Liz and Lott sitting on the floor playing with some barbies. "Well aren't you two cute?" I ask shutting the living room door behind me. "Morning Flo" Liz says I bend down and kiss her before kissing Lott. "Is someone in a bad mood?" I tease. "No I tay" Lott says going back to playing. "We had a little wobble this morning but I think after a juice box and some playing she's cheered up" Liz says yawning a little. "What time did you get up?" I ask her sitting on the floor too. "Lott woke up around seven but went back to sleep but then started crying at around quarter to eight so I got up with her. She's eaten breakfast" Liz explains. "Okay I'll grab myself something and then we can go and wake Rox up by giving her hugs and kisses" I say smiling and walking to the kitchen.

As I open the door Sparky barks and jumps up at me. "Make sure to shut the kitchen door because Charly's scared he'll eat her toys" Liz calls through so I push Spark back and shut the kitchen door. Sparky whines confused at why he's being trapped so I open the backdoor and let him outside. I get myself breakfast and sit on the steps outside and eat. It's a nice day today, warm but not so warm its uncomfortable. We'll definitely go on a walk today.

After eating I wash my bowl and call Sparky in and then we go and see Roxie.

Rox's pov:
"Wake up wake up!" Momma says jumping on my bed. I open my eyes a smile a little. "Hey baby girl" mum says placing Lottie on the floor and climbing next to me in my bed. I snuggle up to her as I've missed her as momma gets under the covers on my other side. I have a double bed so we only just fit in together. "I've missed you baby" mum says kissing my head. "I missed you too" I say sighing happily. "How you feeling?" momma asks stroking my arm. "Good actually. I don't feel ill anymore" I say smiling. "Good because whilst you were isolating we bought a bunch of games to play today!" mum tells me and I can tell she's looking forwards to some time together. "Yeah? That sounds good but first I want to go on a walk with you, momma, Lottie and Sparky" I say and momma nods. "It's nice outside" I'm about to speak when I get cut off by a loud whine from Lottie. "Oh is someone feeling left out?" mum asks Lottie. "Move 'ver" she says lifting her arms up. "Nope we're getting out so Rox can get up" momma says as her and mum get out of bed. "Wan bed snuggles!" Lottie whines as momma lifts her up. "Nope we've had snuggles today and if you go in bed you'll fall asleep and you wont have a nap later" mum says kissing Lottie's head.

After two hours everyone is ready to go on the walk. We're going to walk to the corner store, buy lunch, walk back home and have lunch before playing some games. Lottie is in a bad mood so I'm not sure if she'll play but me momma and mum will. "Everyone ready?" momma checks grabbing the stroller and pushing it out the door. "Yep" mum says. Me and Sparky go outside and he charges around as he's over-excited because his momma is back. "Sit" I tell him and he does. I clip his leash on as Lottie pats his head. "Nice doggy" she says giggling as he licks her hand. "Now then little madam. Stroller or hand?" mum asks her. "Hand" she answers skipping over to mum and taking her hand. "Finally lets get going" momma teases us as we start walking together down the path.


Word count- 1301 

10 days till i watch dr strange MoM!! 

Hope everyone is okay :) 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep as you all deserve it. 

I love you all 3000 and thanks for 90k reads!!

When i started writing i wanted 100k but didnt think it was ever going to be possible and now we're only 10k away 😮 

Maybe i'll have to do something to celebrate..... 

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