B2- Chapter 20

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Flo's pov:

We head into the living room after playing outside and we sit on the floor exhausted. "What's your game? If its hard then I'm not playing! I'm so tired after playing outside" I whine sitting Lott on my lap. "It's charades!" Liz says putting the box on the table. "Okay I can play that I think" I say smiling at Liz. "Who's first?" she asks. "Hang on. Me and Lottie are about to play an acting game against two famous actresses!? How is that fair!" Rox whines standing up with a card. "How about you two team up then?" Liz suggests. "Because a two year old is going to help me beat two actresses!" Rox whines. "Right you ready?" she says holding up three fingers. "Three words?" I ask and she nods. She then acts out a movie screen. She then points to Lizzie and then clicks her fingers. "Infinity war! Infinity war!" Liz shouts. "Yeah well done" Rox says rolling her eyes playfully. "Okay right" Liz says picking up a card. "Two words" I say and Liz nods. She then signs out movie again. She then signs some random things before pulling a sad face, angry face, fear face, happy face and then disgusted face. We all just stare at her confused at what she's signing as the time runs out. "To say you're an actress you suck!" Rox teases Liz as she sits back down. "Lottie you're turn" I say standing up with her. I grab the card and show her. It's Lion king. "Okay don't tell mummy and Roxie what it is!" I say. "You kneel on the floor and pretend to roar but you cant make any sounds" I whisper to her. "Otay" she giggles kneeling on all fours. "Roarrr" she says making us all laugh. "You're too cute!" I say lifting her up. I then get an idea, turn her around so she's facing away from me and lift her in the air like at the starts of the movie. "Lion king!" Liz and Rox both shout at the same time. We all laugh and then I set Lott back on the floor. "Who do you think won that one huh?" I ask her. "Mummy did!" she says running over to Liz.

We play about four more rounds and me and Lott win overall. "We win!" I say lifting Lott up. "Yay!" she squeals. "I win tweeteis?" she asks cutely. "Go on then you can have four sweeties. Go and count them out and then bring them back here before you eat them" I say to her just testing her counting skills as Liz has been working on it with her. "Clever plan" Liz says kissing me quickly. "Mummy! Momma!" Lott cries from the kitchen. We both rush to the kitchen and see her sitting on the floor crying. "What happened baby?" Liz asks picking Lott up.

Lottie's pov:
I run to the kitchen to get my sweeties and climb onto the stool to grab them. I step up and grab the sweeties but as I go to step backwards but miss the step and fall onto the floor. I shout for mummy and momma and start crying. They rush in and mummy picks me up. "What happened baby?" mummy asks me. "I fell" I whimper. "You did? What did you fall from?" momma asks and I point to the stool. "Oh dear" mummy says "What did you hurt?" she asks and I point to my leg and my butt. "Oh dear" mummy says again rubbing my leg and butt better. "How about you have another sweetie to make it all better?" momma asks me and I nod sadly. "I wan fwee!" I say giggling. "Three!?" mummy says shaking me a little. "Its nearly dinner time so how about we have five sweeties?" mummy asks me. "Otay" I say taking the sweets from momma. "What do you say?" mummy says. "Fank you momma" I say. Mummy kisses my head and takes me to the living room. She sits me on the sofa and watches as I eat my sweeties so I don't swallow them big by accident. "Done!" I say to mummy holding up my hands that are sticky. "Shall we go and wash them then?" she says and I nod. She stands me on the floor but I whine and lift my arms up to her. "No baby you're so big now you cant be carries everywhere" mummy tells me. "No!" I say stomping my foot. "Up!" I say lifting my arms again. "Baby just walk with mummy to the bathroom downstairs. We wont go upstairs" she says to me. "Nooooo" I whine dropping to the floor. I don't mean to throw a fit but its just I cant help it. "Baby calm down" she says picking me up. I keep whining loudly but I've got my own way! She carries me to the bathroom and washes my hands in the sink. She puts the jelly stuff and rubs my hands before wetting them again and drying them on the super fluffy towels! "All done" she says putting me back on the floor. "Nuh uh mummy. Up" I say to her. "Nope I'm not caving this time. You can walk to where you want to go or cry and hit things but you haven't got sticky hands anymore" she says. I get mad and kick the cupboard. "No don't do that." Mummy says walking out the bathroom. I get up and charge after her as she isn't being nice to me! "Momma!" I yell. I wait a minute and then momma comes up to me and picks me up. "What's wrong huh?" she asks me. "Mummy no pick me up" I say crossing my arms. "Well you are a big girl now. Give it a few more months and then you'll be three!" she says. "And three year olds don't need to be carried all the time. Three year olds are big girls and boys!" she tells me. "Well I be big and be carry" I tell her and she laughs. "We'll see about that" she says carrying me up to my play room so we can play.


Word count- 1035 

Hope everyone is okay! 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you all deserve it! 

7 days, 14 hours and 33 minutes until i watch Dr Strange MoM!! 

I love you all 3000 ❤

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