B2- Chapter 10

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Roxie's pov:

After I storm off to my room I just sit on my bed and just stare at my wall. I can't believe I'm going to be stuck in the house with a two-year-old who can't watch any TV over like a PG! It's going to be the worst. I thought I was going to enjoy lockdown but now I think it's gonna suck. Really really suck.

I turn my TV on and lie on my bed. I flick through Disney+ trying to find something good to watch, not Agents of Shield as I want to watch that with momma and mum. I change my mind and turn on Netflix before finding a movie called 'Kodachrome' which has mum in the picture. I shrug before pressing play. It looks good so I get comfy under my blankets and start watching it.

By the time the movie's over, I'm crying into my pillow. "Rox? Are you okay?" mum asks opening the door. "Oh baby!" she says rushing over and hugging me. "I know it can be hard to have a much younger sibling....." she starts. "I'm not that bothered about that mum. I just watched one of your movies and it was sad" I say wiping my tears and laughing at myself a little bit. "Which one?" she asks laughing a little with me. "Kodachrome" I say wiping my nose on my sleeve. "Oh yeah that was a fun one to film" she says rubbing my back a little. "So what did you end up watching?" I ask her crossing my legs on my bed. "I put on like ten different shows that Charly asked for but none of them were the 'good ones' so we kept changing the channel until she fell asleep." Mum tells me. "Oh" I answer grabbing my phone. "We're going on a walk when Charly wakes up if you want to come with" mum asks me. "Yeah sure" I mumble. She gets up to go "Wait!" I say as she's about to leave. "Yeah?" she asks coming back in. "Shut the door" I say and she does. "What's the matter?" she asks sounding worried. "Please don't hate me for this" I start. "I could never ever hate you Roxie but you're scaring me. What's wrong?" she asks grabbing my hand. "I know that Lottie is my little sister and I love her and all but sometimes...... sometimes I wish she was still a little baby like Cosmo. She doesn't like me too much at the minute and it's making me... annoyed and feel left out. I know she's a toddler and all but she needs too much of your attention and I feel like I'm being abandoned and I know it's bad but—" I cut myself off as a lump starts growing in my throat and tears fill my eyes. "Oh, honey," she says pulling me into a hug. "It's okay to feel like that. Siblings don't always get along and this is one of the hardest times to have when there's a big age gap but you'll get closer soon" she says kissing my forehead. "I love you" she says. "I love you" I answer as she kisses my head one more time. "I'll call you when we go on the walk sweetie" she says shutting my door on her way out. I smile to myself and cuddle back under my covers and turn on another random movie that pops up.

Flo's pov:
Lizzie comes down the starts looking upset. "Liz? What's wrong?" I ask her. "We've been ignoring Roxie. It's why she feels the way she does. It's my fault. She thinks Charly is taking all the attention and she's getting nothing. She said she felt abandoned" she tells me. "But on the bright side we now know how she feels and we can change how we parent and make her feel better" I say to her. "Yeah, I guess. Maybe.... No never mind" she starts. "No tell me" I say holding her hand. "Maybe we overestimated our parenting skills. Maybe one kid was enough" Liz says starting to tear up. "No we didn't! Don't be silly Lizzie. We're doing great. Lott is very clever and skilled for her age and she's about to start potty training! That's pretty great parenting if you ask me" I tell her kissing her. "Mummmmyy" Lott whines sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "Hey honey" I say lifting her onto my lap. "Did you have a good sleep?" Liz asks her and she nods. "Where Parky?" she asks looking around. "Sparky!" I call. About ten seconds later we hear his little paws hitting the wooden hallway and then he appears by the sofa. "Parky!!" Lott squeals jumping on my lap. "Are we going to take him on his walk?" I ask her and she nods. "You go grab your sister and I'll sort your stroller out" I say to her. She lifts her arms up to Liz who lifts her up and takes her to Rox's room.

"Stay still and let me put your shoes on" I say getting stressed out at Lottie. "No!" she whines lying on the floor. "Lottie if you don't let my put your shoes on you can't come on the walk" I say to her. This makes her cry even more. "Okay fine don't wear your shoes but you cant leave the stroller the whole walk" I tell her. "Fine!" she yells. I lift her up, strap her into her stroller and place a blanket over her and finally push her out of the house where Rox and Liz are playing with Sparky. "We're here!" I say pushing the stroller up to them both. "Yay!" Liz says tickling Lott. "Top it!" Lott snaps hitting Lizzie's hand. "Hey that isn't very nice" Lizzie says pouting at Lott. "Shall we go then?" Rox asks as Rox starts pulling on the leash trying to catch a bird that's just chilling on the car. 


Word count- 997

Hope everyone is doing well! I've been ill with a sickness bug (urgh) but i'm starting to feel better now. I'm now on easter break so i can update more. Keep the comments coming because they make my day! 
Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep as you deserve it!
I love you all 3000 ! ❤❤

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