Book 2- Chapter 1

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(It has been a two year time skip since book 1. Charlotte is now 2, Roxie is 16 and Flo and Lizzie are still dating. Lizzie and Flo moved into a house together. It has 4 bedrooms, yours and Flo+Lizzie's bedroom has an en-suit and Lottie has a play room as the 4th bedroom. You helped decorate your room, Lotties room and playroom then the living room. Sparky has grown even more but has learned to sit, stay, roll over and heel. You're going to school and are in Y11. You're doing well at school and are predicted grades ranging from c-a so everyone's proud of you. You have a small group of friends called Eva, Bethany, Carla and Maise. Lizzie's currently on a break from filming and Flo is filming in Hawkeye (I know it's not the right time but we're making it work lol))

Roxie's pov:
"Alright class dismissed. Have a good weekend and remember the homework is due Monday!" Mr Bell tells us as we all pack away. "Thank god it's the weekend" Eva says throwing her backpack over her shoulder. "I agree. You coming to mine?" I ask as we walk outside to meet with Maise. "I would but I'm going to stay at my dads this weekend" she says as Masie rushes up to us. "You'll never guess what happened today!" she says. "What?" I ask her as we start to walk to where mum normally fetches me. "Garry finally asked me out and...." She starts but I groan. "Maise I really hate that datey gossip!" I whine and she laughs. "I know but I have to tell you. It's part of the job" she teases me shoving at me. "Fine but text it me later" I say as we get to my car. "And don't write an essay. Nice and quick sentences!" I shout to Maise who flips me off. I laugh and get in the front. "Hey honey" mum says kissing me. "Hi" I say smiling at her. "Sissy!!" Lott squeals from in the back. "Hey" I say to her as mum pulls out and starts driving home. I zone out, not in a bad way, and just get lost in my thoughts. "Honey? Is that okay with you?" mum asks tapping my arm a little. "Huh, what?" I say coming out of my thoughts. "Charlie wants some ice cream. We can stop off if you want some too" mum says. "Pwease Rox!!" Lott whines. "Well I cant say no to her can I!?" I say smiling and mum. "Ice cream stop it is!" mum says getting ready to turn right instead of left. "Wait could we go home? I wanna get changed and then we can walk there and Spark can come" I ask. "Yeah that's a good idea" mum says changing the indicator and going home. "Nooo I wan ice cweam!!" Lottie whines. "Yeah honey we're getting it" mum says pulling into the drive. We get out and I rush inside to throw on some leggings and a cropped hoodie, trainers and Sparky. I grab his leash and take him outside where mum is running around with Lott. It's so cute so I sneak a photo and send it to momma.

Lizzie's pov:
"I'm gonna get you!" I say chasing Charly around the front yard. She squeals as I chase after her. I manage to grab her and flip her up. She giggles and I kiss her all over her little face. "Mummy!!" she squeals. Rox laughs as she locks the door and walks over. She looks so grown up! I cant believe she's sixteen already. She's growing too fast! So's Charly! Goodness I have a two year old and a sixteen year old! "You ready?" Rox asks. "You ready?" I ask Charly. "Yes! Ice cweam!" she shouts. "Do you think you need your stroller?" I ask Charly. "I big" she whines. "Yeah but you'll have to walk home" I tell her. "Oh" Charly mumbles. "I'll grab it" Rox says handing Spark's leash to me. "Sparky sit" I tell him and he does. "Good dog" I say as Rox comes out with Charly's stroller. "Thank you baby" I say. "Hop in then" I say to Charly. "No I walk" she says. "Are you sure? It's a bit of a big walk for little legs" I say to her. "I walk!" she says stomping her foot. "Okay you can walk but you hold my hand okay?" I say to her. "No I hold Rox hand" she says waddling over to Roxie. "And hold mums hand" Rox says to her. "Just you" Charly says. "Nope not just me. You have to listen to mummy" Roxie tells her. She nods and takes Roxs hand and my hand.

After about fifteen minutes we arrive at the ice cream place. "You stay out here with Rox okay?" I say to her. "No mummy!" Charly says running after me. "Okay come here" I say lifting her up. "What do you want Rox?" I ask her. "Cookie dough please" she says sitting on a bench with Sparky. "Okay come on honey" I say carrying Charly inside. "What would you like missy?" I ask Charly. "Tocolate!" she says bouncing on my hip. "Okay then" I say walking to the cashier. "Hello what can I get you two lovely ladies?" he asks. "I no lady! I baby!" Charly says laughing. "Oh so you are! What would you like though?" he asks her. "I wan tocolate and sissy want bookie dough!" Charly says to the man. "And your momma?" he asks gesturing to me. "I would like some mint chocolate chip please" I tell him and he nods. "Pwease" Charly adds on. "Good girl" I say kissing her head. "Pop down in that booth and I'll call you when I have them. Do you want cones or pots?" he asks. "One pot two cones please" I tell him sitting down with Charly on my lap. She messes around with my rings whilst we wait. I look outside and see Rox rough-housing with Sparky who's playfully biting her hands. He does that a lot and it scares Flo. It's quite funny afterwards. I really want to ask Flo to marry me. We've been dating for a while now and we have two kids together and a house. Now we just have to get married! "The baby and lady" the man says making Charly giggle. "Mummy dat us!" she says as I carry her up to the till. "What do you say?" I say to her as she takes her small pot of ice cream. "Tank you" she says. "No problem" the man says. I place Charly on the floor and pay before taking the two ice cream cones and walking outside to where Rox is. I hand the cones to Rox and put Charly in her stroller before we slowly walk home. 


Word count- 1151

Hope you're all okay! Here's the start of book 2 and i hope it's okay! 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep as you all deserve it!

I love you all 3000 ❤

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