Chapter 82

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It's been three days and Rose is starting to get upset that she still cant go home with Scarlett. I know there's something up with her because she is such a bad liar. I'm currently driving to the hospital with Rose crying in the back and Rox being angry at me. Rox has been so distant and strange recently and I don't know if it's because it's getting closer to her birthday or what but its starting to make me very worried. "Are we there yet!?" Rose cries out from the back. "Almost honey" I say trying not to tell her we are actually stuck in traffic so will probably be another fifteen to twenty minutes. "Okay. Can you please play the Elsa song?" Rose asks but Rox huffs. "God Rose you've only played that half a million times!" she snaps. "Well I like it" she says. "I don't care you don't always get what you want" Rox snaps back at her. "My mummy is poorly!" Rose whines "So I get what I want" she adds on. Rox spins around "Yeah well my mums dead so ha. Beat that" she says before pressing play on whatever song she chose. "Roxie that isn't very nice please say sorry to Rose before we have a melt-down" I say trying not to loose my patience with her. "No why should I? I never get anything anymore. Not your attention, not what movie I want to watch, what food I want to eat, what song I want to listen to. I'm not the new thing so I'm getting cast aside!" she shouts at me before putting her airpods in. It's true. I've paid no attention to her. I've given it all to Rose so she doesn't have a meltdown or cry. I've been ignoring my own daughter, no wonder she's being distant I have hardly spent a moment with her in the past like five days. God I'm such a bad mother!

"YAY!" Rose squeals as I help her out the car. The rest of the ride her all I could think about is what a shit parent I've been to Roxie. As we get out the car I pull Rox into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry you felt that way honey" I say as she snuggles into my embrace. "Its fine" she mumbles. "No. No it isn't. Tonight Rose is going to bed at half eight and we are gonna have a movie night where you chose the movie and snacks and we can cuddle on the sofa with blankets" I tell her. She smiles at me and nods before I take her hand and Rose's hand and we walk up to the hospital and into Scar's room.

"MUMMY!!" Rose screams as my door opens. She charges up to me and I lift her up placing her on my lap and hugging her. "Hey honey" I say kissing her head. "Have you missed me?" I tease and she nods as Lizzie and Rox come and sit next to my bed. We all chat and mess around for a while before Lizzie says "Rox can you take Rose and get some snacks from the machines at the end of the hall?" "Sure" Rox says before taking some cash from Liz and lifting Rose of me. "I'll race you!" she says to Rose who laughs and they rush out the room. "Honey I need to know what's going on with you. They cant be keeping you in here for so long for a hurt rib" Lizzie says and I sigh looking down at my lap. "Okay fine I'll tell you but you cant tell anyone at all. Colin knows but no one else" I say to her so scared to tell her the truth. "I wont Scar. You can trust me" Liz says taking my hand in hers and stroking the back of my hand with her thumb. "Okay I-I'm pregnant and and I didn't want anyone to know at least not for a while but then they said that they need to monitor it and that they have to keep me in until they know the baby is okay" I rush out anxious to what her reaction is going to be. "You are?!" she says looking very very happy. "I am" I say before she hugs me tightly. "Oh yay! Well that's good right?" she checks. I smile "Yeah it's good" I answer before she kisses me. "So you haven't told anyone else?" she asks me sitting back down. "Nope. Only Colin knows as I took all the tests with him and then the nurse told him." I tell her. "So why cant Colin look after Rose? Not saying I don't want to because I do I really do but I'm just curious" she asks. "Well he's out late because of SNL and we cant leave Rose alone at night and we don't really want a random baby-sitter with her so we knew you'd be great for the job!" I tell her and she nods. "It is very fun it's just Rox is feeling left out" she says before telling me everything that happened in the car with Rox. "Goodness that's sad" I say as the door opens. "We got sweeties!!" Rose says before climbing back onto me and tipping out all the goodies she had in her arms. "And I got even more" Rox says placing four drinks down on the table followed by four packets of crisps and even more sweets. "Well this is going to be a fun afternoon!" Lizzie says before we turn a movie on and all crowd into my bed, Rose on my lap and Rox on Lizzies. I can already tell that my little baby is going to grow up with the best people in the world around them. 


Word count- 978

Sorry for not uploading last night, a family member got admitted to hospital and things went a little crazy! 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you deserve it. I'm always here if you need to talk, even if it's just about how your day went! 

I love you all 3000! ❤

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