Chapter 21

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I look into Lizzie's eyes. "Today is the tenth anniversary of my parents death if you must know! It's been ten years of being alone and beaten up by adults every single day. Ten years of having no home, nobody to care about me and now I have to say goodbye to Marley and I just want to cry forever because my life sucks so bad!!" I shout at Lizzie. She looks at me for a moment before saying "You're life did suck. It sucked really badly but now? Now it's not going to suck anymore because I'm going to make sure the rest of your childhood is amazing and you know why I'm going to do that? Because I love you Roxanne Olsen! I love you more than I've loved anything in this whole world! If you want me to take you to see your parents graves then I will do that and if you want to just sit on the sofa and cry then I will hug you and make sure you are not alone. You understand?" Lizzie says and I just stare at her with tears falling uncontrollably down my face. She pulls me even closer to her, kisses my head and rubs my back whilst I just bawl onto her shoulder. Nobody has ever offered to take me to see my parents. Ever. I've never seen them since they've been buried. Nobody allowed me to see their graves. I used to sneak out at Mr Richards foster home because he was drunk so much of the time he didn't really notice so I know where they are. "I want to see them" I mumble into Lizzie's shoulder and I feel her nod. "Okay so if you get changed then we can go and see them and then maybe go out for some lunch to thank them for having my amazing daughter." Lizzie says and I nod even though I don't want to. "We don't need to if you don't want to though honey. If seeing them brings back awful memories we can go straight home, okay?" Lizzie tells me and I nod. "Can we buy something? Like flowers or a card?" I ask as I've never put something out for them. "Of course we can. You get yourself changed and then I'll phone Scar and tell her to meet us at that cute Italian place. I'll be outside putting Marley in the car if you need me" Lizzie says grabbing her phone, kissing my head and walking out shutting the door behind her. What do I wear? I search the wardrobe with clothes that Lizzie bought for me and I find a cute little  black pinafore dress with orange top and tights. I grab  some black flats to go with it and get changed before brushing my hair and grabbing my coat as it's very cold outside.

⬆ Roxie's dress 

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⬆ Roxie's dress 

"Come on Marley how about we get some nice lunch?" I say lifting her up. She's in a little grey onesie so she'll be warm as it's cold outside. I grab a blanket and a teddy just in case and walk out to the car. "Oh are you going somewhere?" Scar asks. I turn around and smile at her. "I'm taking Rox to see her parents graves. It's sad but she wants to see them. She's getting ready now" I tell her and she nods tickling Marley's belly with her finger. "You're such a cutie aren't you?" Scar says taking Marley from me. "Aunt Lizzie!!" Rose squeals as she runs up to me. I lift her up and she wraps herself around me. "Hey there!" I say as I kiss the top of Rose's head. "Oh hi Scarlett. I didn't know that you are coming too" Roxie says and I turn around, putting Rose down. "You look lovely Roxie" I say to her and she smiles. "Do you want me and Rose to stay?" Scarlett asks Roxie who shakes her head and gets in the car. I take Marley back from Scarlett and strap her into her baby-seat making sure the buggy is in the boot. "Are you going to come with us or take your own car?" I ask Scar. "I'll come with you if you don't mind. I'll just grab Rose's car-seat" Scar says quickly going back to her car. She straps Rose in and then gets into the passengers side. "We all set?" I ask and Roxie nods. I set off to where Roxie told me to go.

We turn the corner and I see the tree that they are under. My breath catches in my throat as tears sting my eyes. Lizzie pulls into a parking spot and turns the car off. "Would you like to go by yourself?" she asks me and I shake my head. I don't want to by myself right now. "Who do you want to come?" she asks. "You" I say and Lizzie gets out of the car. She wraps an arm around me and we walk up to where my parents are. Lizzie passes me some red flowers she got from a little shop on the way here and I place them down as tears fall silently down my face. "Do you have any memories with them?" Lizzie asks me. "I remember they used to read me this book every night and I wouldn't s-sleep if they didn't read it to me" I say and Lizzie laughs a little. "What book?" she asks. "It was called Bear snores on" I say smiling slightly. She nods and hugs me tightly. "They would be very proud of you honey" She says to me and I sniff. "You are such an amazing young lady. They would be so proud!" Lizzie says squeezing my shoulder. "They would?" I ask and she nods. "Of course!" She says and I nod. "Can I have a moment to myself please?" I ask and she nods. "I'll be in the car." I nod and kneel down in front of the graves. "I love you so much mum and dad. I know you're happy together and I wish I could be with you guys right now." I say before standing up and walking back to the car. I get in and pull the seatbelt across from me accidently tapping Rose's knee. "OW!!" She screams. "I didn't do anything!" I shout back and she starts crying. I sigh before getting back out the car and slamming the door shut. I cant deal with crying toddlers right now! I walk back to the grave and sit down on the grass. "Hey dad you'll be so jealous! I met the Jeremy Renner! It was amazing. He's so cool. Lizzie took me to set with her and Scarlett and I looked around. I got hurt but they all took care of me. You'll really like Lizzie, mum. She's the best. She actually loves me I think and she said she wants to adopt me but if she adopts me then she replaces you and I don't want to do that but if I tell her no then she'll send me back and I know that Mr Richards will kill me. At least I'll be with you two." I say. "You can say no to Lizzie if you want to" Scarlett says sitting next to me. "What?" "I heard what you said. She wont send you back. If you say you don't want to replace your parents she'll understand." Scarlett tells me. Why is she listening to my private conversation with my parents!? "What- I wasn't speaking to you! I was talking to my parents!" I spurt out. "I know and I'm sorry but you cant be keeping all that to yourself...." Scarlett starts but I interrupt her "No I wasn't keeping it to myself. I just told my parents that can never be replaced no matter who has legal power over me!" I say standing up. Scarlett grabs my hand "What is going on with you? You were so happy and now you just seem angry all the time. You don't seem to be enjoying anything." Scarlett says and I sigh. "Look I just feel bad that I have a nice home and the other kids could have been taken from Lizzie and put into shit homes. It isn't fair!" I say and Scarlett nods. "Okay well lets go back to the car and have some nice lunch. Rose is fine. She isn't hurt or anything I think she just wanted some attention and Lizzie is giving her lots of attention right now." Scarlett tells me and I laugh a little "Lizzie cant resist playing with a little kid!" I say and Scarlett nods and laughs a little, taking my hand and walking us back to the car.

"I'll go and check on her Liz. You look after Rose" Scar says to me passing a crying Rose. "O-okay just make sure she's okay!" I call after her. "Okay young missy why are we crying?" I ask tickling Rose's belly. She giggles and wiggles around. "Hmm? Why are we crying?" I ask still tickling her. She squeals around and kicks at the chairs. I laugh and lift her up so she's straddling my lap. "Okay we don't want to wake Marley up" I say as she nods still giggling a little. "Why is Rox sad?" Rose asks me. How do I answer this? "She misses her mummy and daddy" I say and she nods looking at her fingers. "Where are her mummy and daddy?" she asks and I sigh a little. How do you tell a three year old that her cousin's parents are dead? "They just went to heaven for a little bit. What are you gonna have for lunch?" I say hoping to change the conversation. "Either pizza or mac n cheese!" Rose says jumping on my lap a little. "Yeah? That sounds so good!" I tell her tickling her again. "Stoppppp!!" She squeals. I laugh and see Roxie walking back to the car holding Scar's hand. I smile at the sight as it's cute and open the door so Scar can put Rose back in her seat. Roxie walks up to the open car door and sits on my lap. "I'm sorry" she says cuddling into me. Sorry? Why is she sorry? "What for baby?" I ask and she just sighs. "You know... hormones and me being a shitty moody teenager" she says and I laugh a little. "You don't have to apologise baby. After everything you've been through I wouldn't care if you screamed at everyone all day every day!" I say and she nods. "Now lets go get some nice Italian food in us!" I say poking her belly. She nods and gets into the back of the car. "Okay destination Italian!" I say pulling out of the parking spot and driving to the little Italian place.

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