Chapter 68

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I wake up and roll over and see Rox isn't there. I frown a little before checking the time, it's only half past eight and Rox isn't a morning person so I don't see why she would be up. Maybe it was her nightmare last night. I decide to go and find her. I get out of bed, wrap my dressing gown around me and head out to the living room. I open the door and see Rox asleep on Scar who's on her phone. "Aunt Lizzie!" Rose squeals running up to us. "Hey" I say lifting her up. "You're up early" Scar says as I sit next to her with Rose on my lap. "So are you" I say. "Well Rose knows we go home today and she doesn't want to so she woke up early to spend longer with you" Scar tells me. "Aw Rosey that's so cute" I say kissing her little noes. She giggles and cuddles up to me. "What about Rox? Is she okay?" I ask as Rox moves around a little. "She's alright. She keeps wiggling around and whining a little but I don't want to wake her as she is actually sleeping" Scar tells me. "I'm sure she'll be okay" I say brushing some of her hair out of her face. "I want food" Rose whines tugging on my sleeve. "Okay come on then let's get some food in you!" I say lifting her up and carrying her to the kitchen leaving Rox sleeping on Scar.

I keep reading on my phone whilst Lizzie feeds Rose some breakfast. I feel Rox start to move around more and more before her breathing starts to pick up a little. I put my phone down as I'm not sure if she'll fall off my lap. I rest a hand on her back so she doesn't fall but that makes her flinch which jerks her awake. "Sorry Rox" I say as she rubs her eyes. "I didn't want you to fall off my lap" I say and she nods before sitting up. "I had another one" she mumbles picking at the skin around her fingers. "Another nightmare?" I ask and she nods again. "I didn't like it" she whispers as tears spring to her eyes. "Aw baby." I say pulling her onto my lap. "Nobody like nightmares. They're mean and scary" I say cradling her. She sniffles a little and nods. "Where did mum go?" she asks "To get breakfast" I tell her. "You hungry?" I add but she shakes her head. "Not really. I feel sick from my nightmare" she tells me. "Okay well how about a drink. You want some orange juice?" I ask. "Sure" she mumbles standing up. I take her hand and we go to the kitchen followed by Sparky who's also woken up.

I'm fed up of nightmares. I'm fed up of sleep and most of all I'm fed up of my life. I hate it so so much. I can never have a good day without something ruining it. If it's me flinching at something, having a nightmare, not allowing myself to accept the happiness that Lizzie makes me feel. It's doing my head in and I hate hate hate HATE it! It makes me so mad I could just scream!

I go into the kitchen with Scar and I cant help but just feel angry at the world. "Morning honey" mum says. "Mhm" I answer sitting at the breakfast bar. "Didn't sleep well huh?" Flo asks me. "No I didn't sleep well and you know why?! Because I have been abused for the past like ten years of my life. Nobody has loved me only hurt me so I have nightmares about it ever night. I cant sleep I cant eat damn I cant even be happy anymore without hating myself!" I shout at her before storming off to my room. I don't even know what came over me. As soon as I shut the door I burst into tears. God I'm such a horrible person! Why did I do that to her? Flo was just trying to be nice and help me and I was horrible to her. I climb into bed and cover myself with the covers only leaving my head out and go on my phone. That was a mistake. I opened Instagram and the first thing I saw was a hate post about me. "Fuck off!" I yell throwing my phone on the bed. I don't know what's going on inside me but theres a fire in my belly and I just feel so so angry.

"Roxie honey. Please can I come in?" I ask knocking softly on the door. "No" she shouts. "Okay I wont pressure you. Just tell me when you want to talk" I say to her calmly. "I don't want to talk" she shouts again. "Okay that's fine you don't have to" I say moving and sitting against the wall. I'll just sit here and wait for Rox to calm down. Liz told me to just go in and calm her down but I feel like right now she's too angry to allow anyone to make her calm down, she has to do this one by herself. Whilst I wait I start planning my next cooking with Flo. I know Rox wants to do one so I'm thinking of doing my amazing stuffed peppers with her as I'm sure she'll enjoy them.

I check the time as my butt is starting to go numb and see I've been waiting for half an hour. I'm sure that's gonna be long enough for Rox to have calmed down. I stand up and groan at the pain in my legs. "Rox, honey. You wanna talk now?" I ask knocking on the door. "No" she mumbles but it isn't a shout. I decide to just go in. I prepare myself for what I might see as I know she's done things in the past. I open the door and see her sitting on her bed cross-legged staring at the wall. I shut the door before making my way over to her. "Okay so before I say anything you don't have to apologies to me. I don't really know what you've been through honey. Lizzie hasn't told me much as she knows its private. I didn't know that you'd been abused. I knew about the nightmares as I helped with one last night but I just wanted you to know that I'll never judge you. Ever. If you weighed a million stone I'd still carry you everywhere and even if you were a horrible greasy animal I'd kiss you and give you cuddles because I love you Rox" I tell her trying to show her how much this amazing girl means to me. "I only wish I'd met you and Liz whilst you were still young so I could raise you with her and we could be the parents you've always wanted" I say. She looks down at her lap "Well you can still be an amazing mum" she mumbles and I smile. "And how can I do that?" I ask her and she opens her arms. "Come here" I say lifting her up. She wraps her arms and legs around me and I just hug her. I whisper things to her that I'm sure she'll want to hear before I hear something. I turn and see Liz in the door way. "My two favourite girls" she says walking in. "What about me!?" Scar asks making a fake angry face. "Okay my three favourite girls" Liz says as her and Scar walk over to us and we group hug. 


Word count- 1291

Okay so i kinda just typed this and didnt really think so if this makes no sense then i'm sorry

Hope you're all okay! Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep. Love you all 3000! 

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