Chapter 24

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I cant help it but I cant get really mad. I'm so jealous right now and I know I shouldn't be. Scarlett is Lizzie's best friend and I don't want her to think I don't like Scarlett just because she loves her kid! "Do you want to go back to Scar and Rose or stay and cuddle?" Lizzie asks me and I don't know. Rose really doesn't like me and I cant be bothered with anymore drama in my life. Maybe I should leave... I don't know. "I don't mind" I mumble and stay cuddled into her. I feel her nod as she kisses me head. I don't deserve those kisses they belong to someone else. I'm not worthy of them. I have been nothing but an inconvenience to Lizzie and all her friends. I'll phone my social worker after Marley goes and see if I can get placed in a foster home. Maybe I could see one of the kids again.
Me and Lizzie cuddle for about ten mintues before we hear a little whisper and the door opens. We both look up and see Scarlett carrying a little tray with two cups of coffee and Rose has a plate of four biscuits. Me and Lizzie sit up as Rose walks over and places the plate on Lizzie's lap. "Thank you lovely girl!" Lizzie says kissing Rose's head. Rose giggles and Scarlett places the tray on the table and then lifts Rose onto my bed. Scarlett sits down too. "So Rose missed you both so she bought you afternoon tea!" Scarlett explains and I smile.

I cuddle Rox for about ten mintues before I hear footsteps and then whispering. I smile waiting for Rose to open the door. Scarlett and Rose walk in carrying biscuits and coffee and I sit up with Rox. As much as I love her Roxie doesn't really lie still she has to move something every ten seconds and I was starting to get backache. We sit up together as Scar lifts Rose onto the bed. She says that Rose missed us and wanted to bring us afternoon tea with is adirable. "Where's Marley?" I ask and Scar smiles. "Napping don't worry." I nod as Rose jumps over to me pushing Roxie off me. Roxie doesn't fight back but just moves and sits next to Scar who puts an arm around her. "Kicked out your own bed by a three year old?" Scar teases and Roxie laughs a little. Rose messes around with my hair whilst Roxie, Scar and I talk about random things whilst we drink our coffee and eat out biscuits.


"Mummy where has Aunty Lizzie gone!?" Rose whines for the millionth time. "She's talking with Roxie" I say turning the TV off and pulling Rose onto my lap. "Why?" she asks. "They just needed to speak. What do you want to do?" I ask brushing some of her hair out her face. "Can we give Lizzie a snack?" she asks and I smile. "A snack? Like afternoon tea?" I ask and Rose nods jumping on my lap. "Okay come on then!" I put her on the floor, take her hand and we walk into the kitchen to get everything ready. Whilst the coffee machine is making the drinks I put Marley down in her crib so she can have a nap and go back to Rose who's running around the kitchen playing with a teddy she bought. "Okay madam it's ready. You can carry the biscuits" I say handing her a plate with four biscuits on. She grabs it and rushes off to Roxie's bedroom door. "Can we go in now mummy?" Rose asks and I nod. She manages to open the door and runs in. Lizzie kisses Rose's head as she practically throws the plate at her and I help her onto the bed.

After we chat about adult things Rose obviously gets very bored and starts to mess around. First she starts playing with Lizzie's hair but I don't think she minds. Then she decided that she was going to try and kick Roxie's feet. I don't know what it is but the girls don't like each other. I thought they'd get along really well. Lizzie doesn't notice what Rose is doing and Roxie isn't making a fuss of it until Rose kicks Roxie's leg that still hasn't fully recovered.

"Will you pack it in Rose!?" I shout. I don't mean to I just have a very short temper lately. Rose starts crying and leans over to Scarlett who lifts her up and sets her on her lap so she's looking at Scarlett. "Were you kicking Roxie's bad leg?" Scar asks Rose who thinks for a minute before nodding. "You hurt Roxie what do you say?" Scarlett says. Rose just buries her head into Scarlett's chest. I sigh before sitting over with Lizzie. "Why doesn't she like me?" I ask a little too loudly. "She doesn't not like you it's just you're easy to wind up and she's a trouble maker this one!" Scarlett says tickling Rose. I'm trying to be serious and it's made into a joke. I'm starting to think I really don't fit in here. I used to love it here but now.... Now I'm not so sure.


Word count- 887 

A little short one but my school work load is getting bigger and bigger!! I'll try and keep updating every night even if it's little short ones :) 

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