Chapter 13

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I carry Marley into my bathroom and lie her down on the floor on her changing mat before removing her vest that's covered in sauce and grabbing a baby wipe. I start to wipe her and she giggles and wiggles around kicking her legs. I can't help but laugh as I pick her up again trying to find the bag that the man gave me with all the things Marley would need. I walk into the living room that is flooded with things and put Marley on the sofa thinking it'll be safe. I turn my back and hear a crash and then loud crying. I turn around and see Marley on the floor crying loudly. "Shit!" I say before lifting her up and trying to soothe her. Autumn gasps "Lizzie said a no-no word!!" she runs off probably going to tell on me and I just try and get Marley to calm down. Why did I think I would be able to look after eight kids!? Marley falls asleep on me and I start to feel bad realizing that this is what Roxie did every day as well as being beaten up too. I suddenly had even more respect for this young thirteen-year-old girl. Scarlett walks back in followed by the four older kids. "Everyone has eaten and Chris is cleaning up with Roxie and Charlie" Scar says before flopping next to me on the sofa. "When shall we do nap-time?" I ask motioning to Marley who's asleep. "Now? I could do with a rest too!" I laugh and nod. "Okay you grab Josh and Payton and I'll sort out Autumn and Marley," I tell her standing up and taking Autumn's hand.

We walk into the bedroom the little kids are sleeping in and I place Marley down into her basket and lift Autumn up. "Which sleeping bag do you want?" I ask her showing her the three sleeping bags. She points to the little pink one and I carry her over to it and place her down. Scarlett walks in with Josh who's crying and Payton who looks grumpy. "What happened?" I ask Scar as she passes Payton to me. "Josh and Charlie started fighting over a toy and Charlie hit him in the face. It wasn't hard but it shocked him that's for sure." She puts Josh in his sleeping bag and hands him his teddy. He closes his eyes pretty quickly so Scar goes to take Payton from me but Payton wants the pink sleeping bag, not the orange one. "I want this one!" She says crossing her arms and frowning. "I'm sorry honey but Autumn is in that one. You can have that for bedtime, okay?" Scar tells her but Payton shakes her head. What do I do!? Do I take Autumn out of this one but she's finally starting to fall asleep? "Why don't you tell us all about your teddy there," I ask and Payton sits on my lap and shoves the teddy in my face. "This is Po and he is my besssst friend!" She says happily. I smile as Scar manages to lift her up and get her to lie down in the sleeping bag. Pretty soon all the little ones are asleep and me and Scar leave to see Roxie sitting on the sofa scrolling through her phone. "Where are the kids Roxie?" I ask sitting next to her. "They're outside" she mumbles and I realize how little attention I've paid to her. My heart sinks when I think about it. I've been so focused on the toddlers I forgot to check up on Roxie!


I sit on the sofa after watching Chris take the older four outside and sigh. I know Lizzie has the little kids to take care of but she hasn't paid any attention to me at all! It's not fair. I wanted to be able to look after the kids with her not her forget about me. I start scrolling through Instagram and see Jeremy Renner has posted a new photo. I sit and read some of the comments until Lizzie sits next to me. "Where are the kids Roxie?" she asks and I mumble outside. I thought maybe she would want to speak to me but no... she didn't want to. I stand up and storm off to my room suddenly really mad but I don't know why. I want to slam the door but I don't want to wake the little ones so I just lock it. I hear Lizzie get up and I'm actually happy she's followed me. Maybe she'll speak to me even though I'm mad. "Honey?" she knocks on the door and I open it angrily. "What?" I snap and I know if I keep using attitude, she'll send me back but I can't hide my anger. "I understand why your mad honey and I'm sorry. I haven't meant to leave you out it's just the little ones need so much attention...." She starts and I interrupt her without even meaning to. What I say just slips out "Yeah well at least you won't get beaten if the kids aren't taken care of properly!" I don't mean to say it but deep down I do kinda feel like that. I then start to cry because I know I upset her. I expected her to just shut the door and leave me but what she actually does is lift me up and wrap her arms around me giving me hugs and kisses trying to calm me down. 

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