Chapter 15

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~8 pm ~
After feeding all six kids and cleaning up we manage to get them all sat on the sofa watching some TV so we get some peace and quiet. Scarlett went home and Chris said he'll come back after feeding his dog called Dodger and taking him on a walk. Me and Lizzie are in the kitchen throwing bubbles at each other just having some fun when there's another knock on the front door. "I'll get it!" I say thinking it'll be Chris but when I open the door I see a man in a suit. "I'm Mr. Jon and I'm here to collect Charlie and Josh," he says and my stomach drops. I hate having to take the kids away from each other. Lizzie comes to the door and puts an arm around me. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth Olsen. What can I do for you?" She asks and the man repeats what he said to me to Lizzie. "I'll grab them now." She says walking off and coming back carrying Josh, who's sleeping, and holding onto Charlie's hand. "Am I getting a home?" Charlie asks and the man nods. "A couple found your file and want to foster you so they can adopt you." He says and his little face lights up. "Good job kiddo!" I say pulling him into a hug. He grabs his bag and runs out the door ready to meet his new family. Lizzie slowly passes Josh over to the man before shutting the door.

We go back to the living room which looks pretty empty compared to earlier. We have four kids left, all girls, and they're sitting watching Cinderella. Lizzie sits down and sits Marley on her lap before pulling me into a hug. I lay my head on her shoulder and rub Marley's belly until she falls asleep. "Right then girls! I think it's time for bed now. What do you think?" Lizzie says and Payton stands up saying "We should watch more movies!" me and Lizzie laugh. "Well, little miss Payton if you go get ready quickly I think we can have a bedtime story!" Lizzie says and both Payton and Autumn stand up and waddle off to the bedroom even though they can't really get themselves changed. Annie stays put and when Lizzie moves the blanket from her head we see she's sitting reading a book. "Whatcha reading there?" I ask her as Lizzie walks off to the bedroom with Marley to get the girls ready.
"Roxie? I don't like it here!" Annie says sadly. "You don't? Why not?" I ask her pulling her into a side hug. "I don't like it," she says not clearing anything up. I make a mental note to ask Lizzie to play with Annie tomorrow and see if she's just feeling lonely. "I miss Belle..." Annie says before starting to cry. Annie always hates it when her friends get taken and she doesn't. She cries for ages and it was obvious she was trying to act brave in front of Lizzie but now she's gone all the emotions are coming out. "You wanna know something exciting?" I ask Annie and she nods a little. "Now the other big kids have gone you get your own room!" I say knowing Annie will cheer up as she has always wanted her own room but never been allowed one. She jumps up and I lead her to the spare room and she jumps onto the sleeping bag excited. I help her get changed and then put her to bed making sure to leave a little light on as all the kids hate sleeping in the dark.

I go through into Autumn and Payton's room and see them both trying really hard to take their jumpers off but failing miserably. Autumn is lying on the floor with her arms sticking out from the head hole and Payton has one arm out but one arm tangled in the other arm hole. I laugh a little and motion for them to come over. I change them and put some PJs on them before changing Marley too. I lay Marley in her little crib/basket that Scar gave me and walk over to the toddlers pulling them both onto me. "Okay girls you can have one story then we're gonna go to sleep okay?" I tell them and they both nod, putting their thumbs in their mouths and cuddling up to me. I wait for a minute or two for Annie and Roxie but they don't come so I guess that Roxie is putting her to bed. I start reading the story and by the time I'm done both toddlers are fast asleep. I get them in their sleeping bags before turning on the nightlight Roxie got, on and shutting the door softly. I go to the living room and see Roxie laying there looking very tired. I lie next to her and suggest watching a movie. "Please can we watch a Marvel movie?" she asks looking excited and I laugh before putting on Captain America Civil war.  

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