B2- Chapter 15

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(This chapter is dedicated to @OUATandMCU 😂)

Lizzie's pov:

"I'm Chloe Bennet" she says. I shake her hand and then it clicks. "Oh you're from Agents of SHIELD aren't you? Me and my daughter, my older daughter, are watching that at the moment. She's obsessed with you" I say chuckling a little. "Oh really? Well I can do a video or something? I have nothing to do anyway just walking my dogs" she says looking at her two dogs running around off the leash. "Yeah she's just tested positive for COVID so she cant even meet you" I say sadly. "Aw maybe I could phone her? If you gave me her number?" she asks. "Yeah okay. Could you hold Charly?" I ask her. "Of course" she says taking Charly from me. I rummage around in my bag for my phone, unlock it and get Rox's number up. "Here you go" I say showing her the number. "I'll give her a phone once I get back home" she says taking a photo of my phone. "Bye" she says pretending to walk away with Charly who squeals and giggles. "You no my mummy!" she says to Chloe who laughs. "No but you're very cute" she says. "I no cute!" Charly says crossing her little arms. "Yes you are" Chloe chuckles handing Charly back to me. I clip her into the stroller and pull Sparky's leash a little as he's venturing a bit too far for my liking. "Who's this?" Chloe asks crouching down as Sparky runs up to her. "Sparky. He's Rox's dog but obviously she cant walk him so it's my job now" I tell her as Sparky licks Chloe's face. "Aw is he named after your dog from WandaVision?" she asks patting his head and standing up. "Yeah. We got him after I wrapped filming that" I explain getting ready to go back home as Charly is getting restless. "Okay I better get going" Chloe says smiling at me. "Yeah we better too. I really hope to see you again" I say to her. "Yeah you too" she says as we walk away in different directions.

When I get home Sparky runs off to his dog bed and Charly waddles away to find Flo. I go upstairs to check on Rox and see if she needs anything. "Rox honey?" I ask knocking on the door. She doesn't answer so I open it. When I do she quickly lifts the covers up over her. "Mum!" she says. "Oh sorry I didn't know you were getting dressed" I say to her. "I'm not I'm just boiling" she says to me. "I can see. You don't look very well are you sure you don't want that window opened?" I ask her. "No I'm fine" she says re-adjusting the covers. "Okay do you need anything?" I ask her and she shrugs. "I want lots of things like to not feel sick" she groans. "Here put this on and take your covers off" I say handing her one of my vests. "Fine" she says as I throw it at her. She shuffles around under the covers whilst I turn and face the door. "Can you pass me my jumper?" she asks me. "No honey you'll overheat if you wear that" I say to her. "I don't care please pass it to me" she says desperately. "Sweetie you'll make yourself even more sick if you wear that" I say moving back around to face her. "Mum I need it in case momma comes in!" she says trying to grab it. "Two meters" I say. I know I'm annoying her but it's for her own good.

Roxie's pov:
"Mum you have to listen to me. She doesn't know about this...." She says showing me her scarred arms with fresh-looking cuts all the way up and down her arms. "..... and I don't want her finding out" she adds on. "You're going to have to talk to her about it at some point" mum tells me. "No I don't. I'm fine with it as long as it's hidden. It's my way of coping and I mean yeah it isn't great but I'm not stopping because there's something very wrong with me!" I snap at her. "Then we don't tell her just yet but you cant wear any long sleeved things because you'll make yourself feel worse" she tells me sounding annoyed. "Sorry" I mumble. "I'm not mad I just want you to be safe. It's so hard for me to not be able to hug and kiss you and make sure you don't feel ill" she says. "I love you" I say. "Love you too" she answers heading out the door. "Wait mum. Can you bring Spark up here? He cant catch COVID from me so there isn't anything to worry about" I say wanting someone to hold. "Sure I'll fetch him. He might be asleep though" she says walking away.

She did bring Sparky up and he's now asleep on my bed. I text Masie who says I should be fine and can use COVID as a way to get pity things, like as she said a pet rabbit, and to get my own way. I just laugh knowing I'm far to scared to ask for things even though I've lived with mum for almost three years. It's probably all my PTSD from my messed up childhood where I couldn't even smile without Mr Richards thinking something was up with me. I've never been good at asking for things. I panic and then get awkward and just tell them to forget it. Mum said she's going to practice with me for asking for things so I'm not sure how she's going to do that but I hope she doesn't do it soon.

I'm about to go on Tiktok when my phone starts ringing. It's an unknown number but I answer it anyway. "Hello?" I say down the line. "Hi is this Roxie by any chance?" a familiar voice asks me. I know that voice from somewhere I just cant think where.


Word count- 1013 

Hope everyone is okay! I'm watching Infinity war whilst writing this so i'm sorry if there are any mistakes!! 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you all deserve it!
I love you all 3000! ❤

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