Chapter 101

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It's now 7 in the morning. Squirtette has woken up hungry and is crying. She slept pretty well last night and only woke up a few times. "What's the matter huh?" I say lifting her out the plastic crib she's in. "I think someone wants some breakfast huh? You ready to meet your big sister?" I chat away to her whilst making her a bottle. I glance over and see Flo still sleeping in the bed. It's a single bed so it was a bit of a squish to sleep together but we wanted to so we made it work. We basically slept on each other all night but I'm not complaining. We spoke to Nurse Wallace before we went to bed and she said that we can take Squirtette home today so that means Rox gets to meet her. We agreed on having Squirtette in her crib in her new room and then asking Rox to grab something. When Rox goes in she'll see little Squirtette in her crib. At least that's what we are hoping to do. Squirtette might wake up or cry or something else might happen that means the plan doesn't work but I don't think Rox will mind too much. She's been very desperate to meet her sibling.

"Oh is that better?" I say to Squirtette placing the nib of the bottle into her mouth. Her cries die down as she eats her breakfast. I take her over and sit on the little chair facing out the window and watch the sky change colours as the sun rises more into the sky. "Morning" Flo mumbles looking over at me and Squirtette on the chair. "Hey honey" I say turning around to face her. "Why didn't you wake me to feed her?" Flo asks walking over to us on the chair. "You were sleeping so well plus you changed Squirtette not long ago so I thought it was only fair I let you sleep" I say as she kisses me. "We need a name for her before she meets her big sister" Flo says sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of me. "I think Rox will want to help name her" I say. "Yeah... have you thought of any names?" she asks. "Not really... How about Sky?" I ask looking up at the Sky. "Sky Pugh-Olsen?" Flo says out loud. I look down at Squirtette but it doesn't feel right. "No I don't think that's her name" I say and Flo agrees. We chat more about her name whilst I finish feeding and then burping Squirtette.

Squirt was meant to be born yesterday but that hasn't happened which is a shame. I know mum said she'd tell me when Squirt was born and I haven't been told yet so I'm just hoping it's today. I don't think I can wait any longer!! I'm about to brush my hair when Chris knocks on my door. "Yeah?" I call throwing my phone on the bed. "Hey. Your mum phoned and she said you can go home today" he says sitting on my bed. "Oh so Squirt isn't born?" I ask. "Sorry kiddo" Chris says patting my leg. "Okay well I mean at least I can come back to yours later" I tell him and he nods. "Yeah" he says. "But if Lu hasn't had her baby yet why am I going back? Surely I should just stay at yours longer" I tell him. "They said it might be another week or so. Babies can be tricky like that" Chris says. "A week!?" I practically shout earning me a bark from Sparky and a laugh from Chris. "Yeah Rox. Squirt isn't just going to pop out because it's their due date" he tells me. "I know I just wished that they would" I grumble. "Now you go brush your teeth and hair and I'll pop you off home before going to the store" he says leaving my room. I brush my hair and teeth before texting momma that we're about to set off.

"Rox has just texted saying they're about to set off" I call to Liz. "Shush! I just got her to sleep!" Liz whisper yells to me as I walk into the room. I chuckle at her as she places Squirtette into her crib. She looks perfect in there. "How cute is she!?" I say rubbing Squirtette's cheek gently. "I swear if you wake her up I'm going to murder you!" Liz whisper yells to me again. I laugh and pull her into a hug. "Protective mummy much!" I say. She hits me playfully before turning the baby monitor on. "What now?" I ask her. "We go to the living room I guess" she answers. "What we just leave her alone?" I ask. "Well I mean... no but she cant be with us when Rox comes" Liz says. "Where's she gonna sleep? Our room or hers?" I ask. "Ours but her room is for day time I guess... I don't know we just got excited!" Liz says hugging me again as we walk to the living room leaving Squirtette sleeping in her room.

After ten minutes the front door opens and butterflies erupt in my belly. Goodness I'm so nervous! What if Squirtette isn't what Rox wanted? No Flo you cant think that negative! "Momma!" Rox calls hugging me. I lift her up and spin her around a little. I place her back down and kiss her head. "Where's my massive cuddle then?" Liz asks Rox who laughs. "You don't get it if you ask" Rox says before doing the same to Liz. "Okay well Lu's asleep so don't wake her. Can you grab me Squirt's thin blanket? I want it to be clean before they come" I say to Rox. "Sure I'll grab it" Rox says walking off to Squirtette's room. Me and Liz follow her with massive smiles on our faces.

I throw my bag into my room before heading to grab the blanket for Squirt. I open the door and see something in the crib. It's probably the training doll we bought for Spark. I open the drawer, grab the blanket and walk out the room but mum and momma are standing there. "Shit! What the hell guys!?" I say holding my heart. "You didn't see?" mum asks. "See what? Have you changed something?" I ask. I look over and momma is laughing. "God you're as blind as a bat!" she says shoving me back in Squirt's room. I'm so confused. "Go look in the crib" mum says and I walk over and peek in. "You lied to me!!" I say pointing at mum. "Good lie or bad lie?" she asks me. "Aww they're in my marvel vest I bought them... Wait! Wait! Girl or boy? Girl or boy!?" I ask jumping up and down. "Girl" momma and mum say at the same time. "Yesss!!" I squeal hugging them both. I'm so happy right now. I lean over the crib and stroke her hand. "What's she called?" I ask. "We were hoping you'd help us with that part" momma says lifting girl Squirt up. We head to the living room and lie her in her mosses basket. We keep Sparky in the kitchen just in case. "So what does she look like?" mum asks and we all start saying girls names. "How about Charlotte?" I ask. "Charlotte Lusia Pugh-Olsen?" momma says. It sounds good. "Lusia? Is that her middle name?" I ask and momma nods. "Yeah we thought she cant raise her but she at least deserves some credit. She did cook her in her belly for nine months!" momma says. "Hey Charlotte, Lottie" mum says lifting her up. "It feels right" I say. "Roxanne and Charlotte. You sound like you are meant to be together" momma says. I get up and sit on her lap whilst mum holds Lottie. "We're finally a big happy family!" I say smiling at them both. "Yes we are" mum says. We stay like that for about ten minutes. Sat in silence, together staring at Charlotte sleeping peacefully in mums arms. I've done it. I have finally done it. I have a family that loves me, friends that are good to me and a sister who I can protect and love. My life is complete now. I have everything I've ever wanted and I couldn't be happier.


Word count-1408  

And that's it! That's the end of the book!

 I think what i'm going to do is write book 2 on here too so that both books are together on the same story if you get what I mean?? I'll just change the title to say 'Adopted by Elizabeth Olsen Part 1 & 2'.

Thank you all so so so much for all the love this book has had! I cant believe that we hit 74k reads!! I only expected like 100! I'm so grateful to all of you. 

Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep because you all deserve it! 

I love you all 3000 ❤❤❤❤❤

Adopted by Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now