B2- Chapter 23

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Roxie's pov:
I'm currently sitting on my bed on a website that I saw recommended for people with eating disorders. I don't believe I have and eating disorder but mum and momma seem to think I do and want me to do something about it. So here I am on this website looking at all these people that are 'going through what I am' and how they're coping. I don't like this so I just keep scrolling and accidently click on a website. It loads and I see that it's for a vape. I read a little about it and it clicks that this could replace my meals. This could be my new breakfast or lunch or dinner. I don't have to eat all the time. Maybe one meal a day? I click 'buy' and see that it'll arrive in the next two days. I'm not too sure what it is but I do know that some girls in my school use them so they cant be that bad. Can they?

After buying it I head downstairs to where Mum and Momma are chatting. Lott is having a nap as it's four so she's sleeps for half an hour. "Hey my baby" Mum says opening her arms. I sit down on her lap and cuddle her. "What did you do?" Momma asks me. "Nothing!" I say. "Yeah funny how I don't believe you" she teases. "I did nothing!" I say smiling now at the face Momma is pulling. "See she's laughing so she's done something" momma says as mum tickles me. "Hey!" I squeal squirming around as I get tickled. "Okay stop now stop!" I say wiggling off mums lap onto the sofa next to her. Sparky comes over and sits on the floor by my feet. "Did you look at the website?" mum asks me. "Yeah and it was shit" I say. "Hey watch your language" mum says poking me. "Well it was! It was pointless" I say crossing my arms. "I know you find this awkward but we want you to get better. Not worse. We can do whatever you want whilst you're recovering but I don't want this to get worse. I don't want you in hospital baby" mum says. "I hate hospitals" I mumble. "Yeah exactly! We don't want that to happen" mum says to me. "Yeah we don't" momma says hugging me. "I guess you're right" I say. "We are because mothers are always right!" mum says. I chuckle as they both kiss me. I love these moments when it's just us without a toddler around. "How about we watch something whilst we wait for your sister to wake up" mum says and I agree. We all cuddle up under a blanket and watch Mama Mia.


Word count-  462

I've been doing school work from 4pm- about ten minutes ago so i'm sorry if that's a short shitty chapter but i updated 😂

I hope you're all okay! 
Remember to eat, drink and get enough sleep as you all deserve it. Thank you to all the people that have checked out my new book! I really appreciate it as i love writing, even if i dont have much time to anymore lol! 

I love you all 3000

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